posted by davidt on Saturday June 28 2008, @02:00PM
Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Informative and interesting posts will be moderated up and highlighted. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.
posted by davidt on Saturday June 28 2008, @12:00PM
S J Banks sends the link:

Morrissey: the great grumpy young man

Tim Lott
Monday June 23, 2008
The Guardian

When the Smiths emerged like a strangely attractive housefly over the sugar-coated rim of the musical cocktail that was the early 1980s - Adam Ant, Haircut 100 and Duran Duran were the primary flavours - I took to them with the enthusiasm of Christ for his cross.
posted by davidt on Saturday June 28 2008, @12:00PM
Viva Hate, OBGYN writes:
As appears on

The Ting Tings and things - Tom Chivers blog

  "And finally, a Such Small Portions exclusive - according to our sources (in this case, an authoritative-looking man overheard talking on the phone as he walked through the press tent), Michael Eavis has booked the headline for next year: Morrissey. Remember, you heard it here first. Unless it's not true, of course, in which case you didn't."
posted by davidt on Saturday June 28 2008, @12:00PM
An anonymous person writes:
Check out this article in the Saturday 28th June edition of the Irish Times newspaper. Joseph O'Connor, a renowned Irish writer, responds to Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as part of a series in association with Amnesty International to mark the 60th anniversary of the declaration.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

The title of the article is Pages from an alien Dictionary where O'Connor imagines what an alien species might think of the human race in terms of our approach to love and quotes from an assortment of singers, poets, writers, thinkers, etc. The relevant section relating to Morrissey goes as follows:

You have never been in love until you've watched the dawn rise on the Home for the Blind (Dr Stephen P Morrissey, perhaps the strangest of their species)
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