posted by davidt on Thursday June 26 2008, @02:00PM
Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Informative and interesting posts will be moderated up and highlighted. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.
posted by davidt on Thursday June 26 2008, @10:00AM
An anonymous person writes:
Moz spotted last night at Damien Dempsey gig in Cypress Ave ahead of tonights appearance at the Marquee in Cork
Has been staying at the Hayfield Manor in the City all week with his mother and met a newly married couple there by saying "I do hope it lasts"
posted by davidt on Thursday June 26 2008, @10:00AM
An anonymous person writes:
Another great article about the Moz by the writer he praised from the stage at his Dublin Marlay Park gigs, did anyone else see it? It's in the current issue of the Dublin Event Guide, doesn't appear to be online yet, but just saw the print version. Can't wait for Moz's gig on Saturday.
posted by davidt on Thursday June 26 2008, @10:00AM
Fran writes:
Morrissey hasn't canceled yet
By Roni Dori


Weiss rejects the idea that the audience waits to buy tickets to "steal time" and get a complete picture of scheduled performances, so that they can plan wisely in terms of their spending: "I don't believe in the approach that if there is a Morrissey concert in Hayarkon Park in July, that they won't buy then because they'll wait for Madonna's concert in October."
posted by davidt on Thursday June 26 2008, @10:00AM
Quarrynight writes:
To follow Morrissey in Hyde Park there will be a Quarry After Show Party.

A Visual and Musical Tribute to Morrissey and The Smiths
Special Guest DJ Appearance By Gary Day
10 Minutes Walk From Hyde Park at

The Loop
19 Dering Street

Over 18s Only
10.30pm - 3am
Advance Tickets £7
Tickets on the Door £10
Quarry Sails Down The Thames

Also following the success of last year's Thames boat trip I am pleased to confirm that there will be another boat trip this year.
Saturday 6th September 2008

onboard The M.V. Golden Salamander
7.45pm - Midnight

The boat will leave Embankment Pier at 8pm with boarding starting at 7.45pm.
Embankment Pier is directly opposite Embankment Tube Station.
For the smokers around there are open decks where smoking is legal.
Tickets for the event are now on sale via the Quarry Web site for £20.
Tickets can only be purchased for this event in advance because numbers need to be known before the day.

Full details, map, directions, mailing list and tickets are available on the Quarry web site.

Thanks for your support,

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