posted by davidt on Thursday April 03 2008, @08:00AM
Noel Westlake was first to send the link:

Magazine says sorry to Morrissey - BBC News
Singer Morrissey has accepted a public apology in court from Word Magazine after it suggested he was a racist and a hypocrite.

The former Smiths frontman did not appear at London's High Court.

Morrissey took Word to court after an article concerning his political views appeared in its March edition.

The star's solicitor said the magazine now accepted that it was "absurd to accuse Mr Morrissey of being a racist" and that he was "not a hypocrite".

Morrissey said he was "obviously delighted with this victory and the clearing of my name in public where it is loud and clear for all to hear".

Word's lawyer, Caroline Kean, said the publication offered its "sincere apologies" to the 48-year-old.

The closing paragraphs of the article, written by David Quantick, referred to statements made by Morrissey in an edition of NME last December.

Morrissey's solicitor, John Reid, said Quantick's comments had been "construed to suggest that Mr Morrissey was a racist, held racist opinions or that (as the child of migrant parents) he was a hypocrite".

'Utterly determined'

He added: "The article suggested that Mr Morrissey has in the past paid lip service only to anti-racism."

The singer, whose full name is Steven Patrick Morrissey, has also launched a legal action against the NME, which is ongoing.

The singer insisted the weekly music magazine had "calculatedly tried to damage my integrity and to label me as a racist in order to boost their diminishing circulation".

The star said Word had "made the mistake of repeating those allegations, which they now accept are false".

Reid said the singer was "utterly determined" to repair the damage done to his reputation following the statements made by the NME in December.

He also revealed there was a possibility that Morrissey would turn up in court for the NME hearing.
DictatorHall sends the link:
Singer Morrissey Wins 'Racism' Action - Sky News
sunnyday sends the link:
Morrissey accepts 'racism' apology - The Guardian
ManAlive send the link:
Word Magazine Forced To Apologise To Morrissey - Gigwise
DianaDors writes:
Full text of today's legal proceedings in a press release at True To You:
Morrissey court victory -
Today's News | April 6 | April 4  >

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