posted by davidt on Wednesday April 02 2008, @09:00AM
Guillaume Metayer writes:

Morrissey - All you need is me: 3 formats: £5

Release Date : May 19 2008


1. All You Need Is Me
2. Children In Pieces

7-inch #1

Side A

1. All You Need Is Me

Side B

1. Drive-in Saturday

7-inch #2

Side A

1. All You Need Is Me

Side B

1. My Dearest Love

This multi-buy offer pack contains the following products:
Morrissey: All You Need Is Me - CD Single - normal price £2.99
Morrissey: All You Need Is Me - 7 inch single - normal price £2.99
Morrissey: All You Need Is Me - 7 inch single - normal price £2.99
posted by davidt on Wednesday April 02 2008, @09:00AM
dan writes:
"Greatest Hits" debuted at #178 on the Soundscan chart with 3,660 copies sold.
posted by davidt on Wednesday April 02 2008, @09:00AM
LA Weekly writes:
We have a story coming on the convention too, but I thought your readers might want to see photos from the LA show/event that happened over the weekend.

Smiths and Morrissey Convention slideshow - LA Weekly
Richard Blade, cover band These Charming Men and lots of pompadours
33 images

These were shot by Timothy Norris who also shot the last couple of Moz shows in LA that were previously linked on
Some Totally Random Moz Fan writes:
Well yet another fun time at the L.A. Smiths/Morrissey Convention! This edition had the return of a great tribute band all the way from Dublin, Ireland "These Charming Men" - and they were fantastic! The new location at Downtown L.A.'s Crash Mansion was a bit smaller- but packed to the rafters with fellow Moz fans!

Here are all of my Pix (99 total).

And here are some videos:

The "Ultimate of Faz" at the front of the line - they arrived 6 hours early for the festivities to begin.

Backstage with Ireland's Smiths/Morrissey tribute band - "These Charming Men" talk about how they became fans of the music and formed the band.

The lads from Ireland's Smiths/Morrissey tribute band "These Charming Men" perform onstage.

Host Richard Blade introduces special guest DJ Gary Day.
posted by davidt on Wednesday April 02 2008, @09:00AM
love of Wilde writes:
SM: I write with a filter of trying to avoid the completely obvious. Trying to avoid Lenny Kravitz-style rhymes. I guess I'll stray toward the more obtuse or weird image rather than a straight rhyme. If I can't come up with anything, I'm going to go toward the weirder. But that being said, it's all pretty organic in that I don't have to think about it too much. It just sort of happens. It's who I am. That's what I do. Like Morrissey or something. Morrissey does that. He's the way he is. He's not thinking, "I have to be like Morrissey," you know? He is Morrissey. [Laughs.] And that's how lyrics are for me. Whereas maybe David Bowie, or something, he's a trend-sniffing magpie, and that's his art, his talent.

here's the link to full interview.
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