posted by davidt on Friday October 05 2007, @10:00PM
Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Informative and interesting posts will be moderated up and highlighted. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.
posted by davidt on Friday October 05 2007, @01:00PM
joeymozzer writes:
Here is a interview from La Opinion in Los Angeles I believe it was in yesterday's newspaper. Here is the link

Morrissey Con el corazón en la mano

El popular cantante británico habla sobre su relación con los latinos, su pasión futbolística y su rechazo hacia los políticos

Sergio Burstein [Especial para La Vibra]

04 de octubre de 2007

posted by davidt on Friday October 05 2007, @01:00PM
Rush_Ruffian writes:
Johnny Marr addressed Trinity College, Dublin's Philosophical Society earlier this week. I'm surprised it wasn't better publicised, but it was supposed to be a student-only event. I found this brief summary online:

Review: Johnny Marr @ Trinity College -

I was at the event and the journalist is right, he did talk about Moz very affectionately, mentioning that the chemistry between them was something he's never had with another songwriter (maybe I'm misquoting here, but I think that's what he was getting at). Too many damn Modest Mouse fan-kids there though, who didn't realise who they were in the presence of. Oh well, that's students for ya.
posted by davidt on Friday October 05 2007, @01:00PM
Guillaume Metayer writes:
On the LUXURE Myspace frontpage is a tribute to The Smiths, you could listen to their version of "Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want".
posted by davidt on Friday October 05 2007, @01:00PM
DeadLinDy writes:
For those of you who know about the Midnight Ridazz then you know that this ride should be a blast...

And for anyone else who's interested here is the info... come out Saturday nite, bring your friends, your bike and some gladiolas... theres going to be ~Panic on the streets of LA!

DATE: Saturday, October 6th 2007
MEET@: 11pm DEPART: Midnite-ish
PLACE: Starting point will be right across the street from the Palladium (just in case you're heading to the concert and want to ride out with everyone)
ROUTE: 30 miles, detailed maps to be handed out at the starting point (or if Danny posts it online i will post it here)

Organizer-Danny G says:
"This ride is 30 miles long with several rest stops in mind. I've yet to ride the complete route so I have not posted it yet, I will ride it tonight or tomorrow. I ride every route first to see if there are any safety issues and I may do some last minute changes. It doesn't matter kind of bike do you ride: Mountain, Road, Cruiser, BMX, Fixed, Recumbent or Hybrid just ride. I'm really happy that there are allot of new riders planning to make it to this ride. I've got volunteers that will be helping riders out and I may even pair you up with an "experienced" rider if you like. My rides tend to be somewhat relaxed/social. Everyone is welcome and we mean everyone. The pace I would describe as 10-15 mph but closer to 12. We try and keep everyone together in a bunch for safety, we do not antagonize motorist for the most part most of my friends will cork intersections for the group to pass and I anticipate about 100 riders (give or take a hundred last ride we made 400 spoke cards and we ran out!)

Things to bring:
Yourself and friends
Spare Tubes
Bike lights (front and back)

I may have a Pre-Ride meet and greet if you're interested at BAR SINISTER in HOLLYWOOD located blocks from the start point. But I will confirm this on Friday."

Midnight Ridazz
Today's News | October 6 | October 4  >

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