posted by davidt on Monday May 14 2007, @08:00PM
Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Informative and interesting posts will be moderated up and highlighted. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.
posted by davidt on Monday May 14 2007, @10:00AM
Jon Tattersall writes:
Just thought I'd let you know that Mike Joyce & Andy Rourke will be signing copies of "Inside the Smiths" at HMV Manchester on Monday 16th July. For those of you who can't make it up North, there will be a screening of the film, followed by a Q&A with Mike & Andy @ Fopp - Tottenham crt rd. store - London on 18th July - Aftershow parties at both locations TBC.
Peter writes:
Just ordered 'Inside the Smiths' the Rourke/Joyce film on its out on 16th July! I thought
this film would never see the light of day. Can't wait. The cover looks cool!
jon writes:
Just noticed there is a new Smiths dvd. "Inside the Smiths" released on 16th July. All the details are on

Inside The Smiths - product description

posted by davidt on Monday May 14 2007, @10:00AM
bonamonster writes:
Morrissey has written an endorsement for a new animal rights book which will be published later this month. The book, called From Dusk 'til Dawn, is written by former ALF activist Keith Mann and is the inside view of the story of the animal liberation movement.

The website for the book can be found at

Morrissey's words are featured inside the cover before a foreword by British poet Benjamin Zephaniah.

posted by davidt on Monday May 14 2007, @10:00AM
J writes:
I talked to Johnny tonight and he said that the box set is still a possibility. He is in the process of compiling songs to go on it. That being said, it sounded like it was a ways in the future (if it happens at all). He hinted that a lot of things with people in the band would have to happen for it to come to fruition.
posted by davidt on Monday May 14 2007, @10:00AM
mozluv writes:
Great show... and Moz was in PERFECT form!!

The band really kicked ass tonight... and Even talked to Boz, about the Alain rumors of coming back for the LA shows.. which he said was FALSE and he was upset about the whole LIE that is going around on the net,and that he emailed that publication and wanted a retraction...but he said that he just talked to Alain recently,and that Alain recorded with them (the band) about a WEEK ago... and Moz and Alain are on GOOD TERMS. It was Alain's decision NOT to come on this TOUR with Moz and the guys this time around... but the offer was there...

So there goes the rumors that Alain and Moz are on the OUTS! NOT TRUE!!
Thanks for clearing that up BOZ! You are always such a gentleman everytime we meet!
He also said that Gary & Family are doing well.. with the newest addition, his 2nd Baby girl.
posted by davidt on Monday May 14 2007, @10:00AM
Scan from Corrissey:

The Morrissey the merrier
Time Out Chicago (May 10-16, 2007)

posted by davidt on Monday May 14 2007, @10:00AM
devoted101 writes:
On this week's episode the Court-TV show "'Til Death do Us Part" hosted by John Waters the 2 lead characters referenced having seen a Morrissey concert. the episode was about a secretly gay man who kills his wife, hmmmmm, what are they saying about morrissey fans?
artful dodger writes:
I couldn't believe my eyes when I caught sight of a photo of Morrissey in this morning's San Francisco Chronicle in an article about the NBA, of all things.

It was next to a head shot of NBA player Andrei Kirilenko of the Utah Jazz. The article, a fluffy-teased piece about NBA players' hair-dos, speculated that Kirilenko was able to add a full two inches to his height, by cropping and coiffing his head Morrissey-style.

I think Moz should stay over here and keep zig-zagging across America for a while. He'll be a cultural reference point and icon in no time. Today the NBA,

The NBA's Hairdos and don'ts - San Francisco Chronicle

posted by davidt on Monday May 14 2007, @10:00AM
Rugby411 writes:
It was in Monday's San Francisco Chronicle (May 7) that after his show in Oakland Morrissey went to a local Mexican drag bar called Esta Noche.
posted by davidt on Monday May 14 2007, @10:00AM
Gilbert writes:
Saturday May 19th
Live music from Girlfriend In A Coma, Smiths/Morrissey karaoke
Morrissey look-a-like contest, & more!
Doors open at 9:30pm/ Show at 10pm- ALL AGES

My Vendors, all 2 of them, backed out on me. im sorry for any problem this causes anyone.

Sign up for the look alike contest will start when doors open at 9:30 and the actual contest is around 11 o'clock.

And Girlfriend in a Coma are amazing, check out there youtube videos.

come on out. this is gonna be a great event, and if all goes well ill be able to do it bigger and better next year.
posted by davidt on Monday May 14 2007, @10:00AM
I´d Love To writes:
Our 10th annual get together to celebrate Morrissey’s birthday will this time be held at Sodra Bar, Mosebacke. We will as usual only offer one thing: Morrissey’s music from the first to the last minute.

Date: Tuesday the 22nd of May
Place: Sodra bar, Mosebacke
Time: 19:00-01:00
Free entrance
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