I've heard a few trails for a documentary on BBC Radio 2 this coming Saturday, April 21st, called The Morrissey Story. It doesn't sound like the man himself is involved but there are a lot of sound bites of people talking about Moz and The Smiths, their lyrics, influences etc.
It may just be the usual stuff but should still be worth a listen (maybe on-line afterwards if you are out on a Saturday night!). No idea why this documentary is being aired at this time but BBC radio documentaries are usually good. I believe it's being hosted by Stuart Maconie who has covered Morrissey for several magazines over the years and according to some sources became good friends with Morrissey whilst following him on tour in Germany in the mid 1990s.
April 12 -
April 11- Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy gets email from Moz (111)
- "Inside The Smiths" documentary DVD could be out "as soon as the end of this month" (26)
- Mark Ronson gets approval from Smiths for cover (28)
- Verte clothes line features shirt with Morrissey lyric (11)
- Wolf Trap (VA) pre-sale - April 12 at 10am (32)
- Smiths documentary screening in Austin, TX (Apr. 30) (3)
April 6- Morrissey to Way Out West according to GP (Aug. 10-11) (34)
- Sanctuary Records to wind down U.S. label (31)
- Alternate photo of Morrissey and Kristeen Young - perou (29)
- Alex Turner from Arctic Monkeys on Mark Ronson's "Stop Me.." cover (25)
- Morrissey clips from V Festival 2006 on HDN this month (US) (5)
- Moz convention - Baltimore, MD (May 19) (22)
April 3