posted by davidt on Tuesday April 03 2007, @08:00AM
Dake writes:
Due to a person well connected with The Pogues, they are confirmed to play the Way Out West Festival in Gothenburg, Sweden alongside The Flaming Lips & Morrissey on August 10th.

A few weeks ago a friend well connected with Ema Telstar (the promotor Morrissey usually works with in Scandinavia) confirmed Morrissey had been talking about coming to Scandinavia with Ema Telstar.

Now we can just pray that rumours are true.
posted by davidt on Tuesday April 03 2007, @08:00AM
An anonymous person sends the link:



...The 90s was an improvement but not by much. We got Liam Gallagher and Ian Brown, though both are dented by appearing to have bought the book that explains what's expected of a star and studied every page. So here we are in 2007 facing an unavoidable truth - we've only produced two top-grade, rock legends in the past 30 years.

One is a super-charged singer, lyricist and political activist with the advantage of coming from Ireland - making him seem an independent spirit to Europeans and part of a romantic fatherland for many Americans.

And yesterday's receipt of his honorary knighthood won't dent his charisma. He's Bono.

The other is a sexually ambiguous matinee idol whose every song title is an art statement and whose every opinion sounds as if broadcast from a universe free from the irritations endured by us mortals. He's Morrissey.

I've edited music magazines for the past 25 years and I can tell you only these two currently tick all four boxes that define a true mass-market superstar. They sell concert tickets, they sell merchandise, they sell records and they sell magazines.

And the reason we've produced only two is the massmarket is disappearing.
posted by davidt on Tuesday April 03 2007, @08:00AM
Marie writes:
If you speak German, you should take a look at this book by the German writer Anna Regeniter: "Ein Jahr in London" (Amazon link)

The book describes what it's like living and working in London, and meeting Morrissey in the pub around the corner by chance after work... It's very funny, I had to constantly stop myself laughing out loud while reading it on the train home - well worth a read!
posted by davidt on Tuesday April 03 2007, @08:00AM
An anonymous person writes: - new Dirk Bogarde website launched last week - comments that Adam Ant and Morrissey were influenced by the actor
posted by davidt on Tuesday April 03 2007, @08:00AM
suparni writes:
From the Tony Visonti myspace page:

04/07/2007 04:00 PM - The Telephone Bar & Grill
149 Second Avenue, New York City, -

"I will be signing my autobiography. It will be on sale at the venue. It's hard to get at the moment in the USA as it is only a UK release. If you already have one bring it and I'll sign it."
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