posted by davidt on Thursday September 21 2006, @05:30PM
Alexander Wendt writes:
Morrissey is finally playing concerts in Germany

Morrissey im Dezember auf Deutschlandtour! - MLK

Di. 12.12.2006 Frankfurt / Jahrhunderthalle
Mi. 13.12.2006 München / Zenith
Fr. 15.12.2006 Düsseldorf / Philipshalle
So. 17.12.2006 Berlin / Arena Treptow
Mo. 18.12.2006 Hamburg / Color Line Arena
posted by davidt on Thursday September 21 2006, @10:00AM
PedroinTJ writes:
Hi everyone, after i saw the story about Moz concert in Guadalajara i sent an email to Teatro Diana about it and until today i received an answer...:

"Hi and sorry about the delay, thank you for contact us. Although Morrissey visit to Guadalajara IS confirmed, the event wont take place in Teatro Diana, cheers."

So its a matter of time for us to know where or try to find out... im saving for the plane tickets anyway!!!
this is the email for Teatro Diana: [email protected]
lUPIS writes:
Today i have received an answered from Teatro Diana´s personal in which they are telling me that Morrissey Tour is confirmed, but he will not be there in Teatro Diana.


Hola disculpa la tardanza, gracias por contactarnos

Aunque la visita de Morrisey a Guadalajara ya está confirmada, el evento no
se realizará en el Teatro Diana



So after all it´s a great thing to see morrissey here in Mexico!!!
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