I was just checking the (so they say) offical Morrissey myspace music page and the new single is there to listen to.
here is the link:
February 5 -
February 4- New single to be first played Monday on 6 Music? (50)
- "Smiths Rarities Album on the Way" - albumvote.co.uk (43)
- OKC on-sale Feb 6th (or Feb. 11?) via StarTickets.com (11)
- 1 hour special of The Smiths on Irish Radio (Sunday, 7pm) (4)
- Archive Morrissey interview to be broadcast on 6 Music (Sun. 10pm) (4)
- Johnny Marr collaborated on Jane Birkin's new LP (6)
- "Sanctuary running out of cash" - The Guardian (14)
February 3