February 4- New single to be first played Monday on 6 Music? (50)
- "Smiths Rarities Album on the Way" - albumvote.co.uk (43)
- OKC on-sale Feb 6th (or Feb. 11?) via StarTickets.com (11)
- 1 hour special of The Smiths on Irish Radio (Sunday, 7pm) (4)
- Archive Morrissey interview to be broadcast on 6 Music (Sun. 10pm) (4)
- Johnny Marr collaborated on Jane Birkin's new LP (6)
- "Sanctuary running out of cash" - The Guardian (14)
February 3- Paris date (Apr. 11) - true-to-you (33)
- "Youngest Was Most Loved" listed as UK single (May 29) at sirendisc (9)
- Pretenders cover 'Everyday is Like Sunday' on their Rhino box set (11)
- Ireland, Amsterdam tickets on sale now (72)
- 'Panic' and 'Everyday Is Like Sunday' feature in Mojo's 50 Greatest British Tracks Ever. (21)
- Tulsa tickets onsale Mon Feb 6 at 10 AM (12)
- Leeds Town Hall not officially booked as venue? (12)
February 2