posted by davidt on Monday March 22 2004, @08:00AM
Announced on Kevin and Bean (KROQ radio, Los Angeles), Morrissey is playing The Wiltern 5 nights, April 22, 23, 24, 26 and 27. KROQ is also running a contest to go to the shows and meet Morrissey afterwards.
Update: 03/22 18:21 GMT: Tickets on sale date posted in comments section by Fut:

Thurs, April 22

Show Time: 8:00pm
Doors Open: 6:00pm
On Sale 03/27/2004 11:00am

Ticket Pricing
$50.00 - Main Floor Level - General Admission
Open Dance Floor (Standing)
$65.00 - Loge Reserved (Seated)
$50.00 - Mezzanine Reserved (Seated)
Saw this posted on the discussion board by Daniel (link):

I just drove by the wiltern and it has in big letters Morrissey April 22-27. MOZ 5 nights at the wiltern. Am i the first to know????
I received the following submission 10 days ago on March 13, but no source or contact was given and I didn't think there would be shows a month before the album release so I thought it was a BS submission.

mas writes:

Mr. Moz will play in L.A. @ the Wiltern on the 3rd week of april.
posted by davidt on Monday March 22 2004, @08:00AM
"Irish Blood, English Heart" was just world premiered on the Kevin and Bean show on KROQ (Los Angeles radio station) around 7:20 am Pacific time.
posted by davidt on Monday March 22 2004, @08:00AM
Patric Doonan writes:

Right I've got this direct from the promoter.... This years Move festival to be held at Old Trafford Cricket Ground, Manchester will include: Madness headlining the Thursday, The Cure Friday, Stereophonics the Saturday and will be rounded off on the Sunday by Morrissey. Not a stones throw from his old house. This is subject to licence, and judging by the last couple of years is in no way confirmed despite the acts themselves committing. Again expect a battle from the local residents to magistrates but after last years vehement protests and the subsequent good behaviour of the punters a licence for the four day event is as good as assured. Another interesting aspect is that promoters are trying to get Brett Anderson & Bernard Butler back together. The concerts are pencilled in for the weekend beginning 8th July.
posted by davidt on Monday March 22 2004, @08:00AM
Joemoz writes:

I heard from someone that spoke to Sparks after their Ocean show last night that:

Morrissey has asked them to perform the entire 1974 Sparks LP Kimono In My House as part of his Meltdown festival in June.

Also, the bizarre rumour that Elton John is performing a set of Jobriath covers at Mozzer's Meltdown is true!!
posted by davidt on Monday March 22 2004, @08:00AM
ASmith writes:

Jake at Lying Media Bastards spotted groups of Moz fans at a 3/20 LA anti-war protest:

"For reasons still not entirely clear to me, a friend of mine decided to organize a contingent made up of fans of musicians Morrissey and The Smiths. The group cleverly called itself "Louder Than Bombs," after a Smiths album. All their signs had song lyrics, either in their original forms, or slightly tweaked to spread an anti-war message. Some of the best were "If it's not love, then it's the bomb, the bomb, the bomb, that will bring us together," "Come armageddon," "Hang the newsmen," "Shoplifters for peace," and "They do the military two-step down the nape of our necks." (Trust me, if you're a Smiths fan, these are all very funny)

They also sang Smiths and Morrissey songs, with lyrics switched up to denounce war. Creative and amusing, yet I still have no idea why they choce to take this theme and run with it.

(Hmm, I'll have to play some Smiths on my radio show Monday to commerorate this weirdness.)"
(scroll way down for relevant text/pix)

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