posted by davidt on Wednesday September 03 2003, @07:00AM
Måns Alnebo writes:

According to the Swedish distributor Showtime, the new Morrissey album will be in stores before Christmas 2003, hopefully early in November!!

Hopefully this is not just a rumour......

Update: 09/08 15:40 GMT: Peter writes:

Showtime denies the rumoured release
I contacted Showtime Distribution and asked about the rumoured christmas/November release. I received the following reply (my translation):

"Nothing is settled, except that negotiations are going on. From what I understand, they have proceeded pretty far."

The original email, in Swedish, is enclosed below.

Copy of original email

Hej Peter,
Inget är klart mer än att förhandlingar pågår som vad jag förstår framskridigt ganska långt.

Nusse Antoni
Showtime Distribution AB
posted by davidt on Wednesday September 03 2003, @07:00AM
Mekinism writes:

I was listening to kevin and bean this morning on KROQ (Los Angeles radio), and after a song by hot hot heat (playing at the Inland Invasion show) - that they have been swamped with calls and emails that they should have tried to get the Smiths back together or got Morrissey on the bill. This, as you know, is the concert that has all the 80's bands playing - the cure, duran duran, psych furs, soft cell, etc etc etc.

They said that they actually DID try to contact morrissey to play the show and that once they finally DID get a hold of his "people" not even THEY knew where he was or how to get in contact with him. Seems kinda strange seeing as people from moz solo seem to bump into him all the time.

have to admit though - that would be an AWESOME show to see morrissey at. I would think if he wasn't playing he would at least show up and watch some of the bands. perhaps richard butler will play his version of 'how soon is now' in homage.
posted by davidt on Wednesday September 03 2003, @07:00AM
niko writes:

I picked up the new Tim Burgess ( the Charlatans front man ) single entitled "I Believe In The Spirit". There seems to be a Morrissey mention in the song. There are many references to L.A. and the west coast in the song. At one point near the end he sings "I believe in the Morrissey". It's a pretty unique sounding song and the shout out to his fellow ex-patriot makes it all the better.
Update: 09/06 16:37 GMT: According to several comments below, the lyric is actually 'morning sun', not 'Morrissey'.
posted by davidt on Wednesday September 03 2003, @07:00AM
Shaun Goater MBE writes:

The following article appeared in the Manchester Evening News Saturday 30th August. It is still littered with mistakes about album covers and dates..... but at least the club is saved!

Cult hangout rescued - ManchesterOnline
posted by davidt on Wednesday September 03 2003, @07:00AM
[site sponsor]
Aly Smith writes:

The Smiths and Morrissey Night

Saturdays 13th September & 11th October

Quo Vadis
The Headrow
(opp Town Hall)

£3 on the door

Starts 8pm
Ends 1am

and cheap drinks too!!
posted by davidt on Wednesday September 03 2003, @07:00AM
[site sponsor]
Andrew Overtoom writes:

The award winning feature film "My Life With Morrissey" will be screening at the Silverlake Film Festival on Sunday, September 14 at the Los Feliz 3 theatre in Los Angeles. Also screening will be the companion Morrissey fan documentary "Real Life With Morrissey". Tickets are available through the Silverlake Film Festival web site:

"My Life With Morrissey" will also be screening at the San Diego film festival on Friday, September 19. Tickets and information are available through the San Diego Film Festival web site at:

Information on "My Life With Morrissey" and the companion morrissey fan documentary "Real Life With Morrissey" is available at our website:

Thanks for all your support and hope to see you at the fests!
posted by davidt on Wednesday September 03 2003, @07:00AM
[site sponsor]

Morrissey and The Smiths tribute band Sweet and Tender Hooligans will be performing in the Historic Silverlake district of Los Angeles this Saturday night Sep. 6 at SpaceLand 1717 Silverlake Blvd. 323-661-4380 Special guests: La Verdad and Orgullo Cafe Tickets are $10 at the door, this venue is 21 and over.

Flyer - front, back
posted by davidt on Wednesday September 03 2003, @07:00AM
Last Night I Tripped writes:

Just thought this was strange. While watching the US Open tennis coverage today the co-host Ted Robinson (a somewhat nerdy sports announcer) said, "Stop Me If You Think You Have Heard This One Before we have another 18 year old Russian. "For those of you who don't know "Stop Me If You Think You Have Heard This One Before" was a very good song by the group THE SMITHS. I am shocked he even knows who the Smiths are! The match was Mauresmo vs Kirilenko.
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