August 19- Nancy Sinatra on "Let Me Kiss You", the Morrissey contributed track; looking for label (45)
- "Uptown Girls" Moz mention (17)
- Colin Meloy covers "Everyday Is Like Sunday" in concert (3)
- Grandaddy mentions Smiths on Subterranean (MTV2) (3)
- Chicago Morrissey/Smiths night (Aug. 22) (0)
- Wellington, New Zealand - "Friday Night Inoutpatients" Smiths tribute band (Aug. 22) (4)
- Smiths Night at Boston-area club (Aug. 22) (3)
August 14- Lookout Management lists Morrissey as a client (59)
- "Under the Influence" review in "intro" magazine (German) (7)
- The Bear Quartet (Swedish band) compared to Morrissey and Marr (12)
- Morrissey mentioned in new music book "Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs" by Chuck Klosterman (8)
- Boz and the Bozmen in Japan (Sept. 14) (1)
August 7