posted by davidt on Tuesday March 04 2003, @10:00AM
shyboy writes:

While drinking in a pub in Dublin last Saturday night, a friend turned to me and said, oh look here comes one of your lot another Morrissey wannabe, when I turned to look I had to look twice, as it was Moz himself. I went over and got chatting to him and he told me he was in Dublin to check out the Smiths tribute band 'THESE CHARMING MEN', who were playing in Dublin that night. I thanked him for a great performance in the Ambassador in November, to which he laughed.

I asked him when he was bringing out an album, he pretended to hit himself in the face and told me nobody liked him anymore, and started laughing. I asked him if he remembered meeting me backstage in Limerick in 1999, to which he replied, "were you the one wearing the Smiths t-shirt?", and started laughing. I talked to him for about another five minutes about different things including Johnny Marr's new album, to which he replied "Johnny's great" in a roundabout way of avoiding answering the question. I lastly shook his hand and thanked him for taking time to talk to me, and wished him well with his future plans, and let him get off into the Dublin air.
posted by davidt on Tuesday March 04 2003, @10:00AM
Frank Z writes:

My pals convinced me to send you guys this pic of Moz, I really hope you like it.

"Comic-Moz" by Frank Z
Click to enlarge - small (800x718, 54KB), large (1577x1416, 144KB)

posted by davidt on Tuesday March 04 2003, @10:00AM
j dollars writes:

just reading the tracklisting for the new the Lucksmiths album due out March 24th... one track caught my eye. In a particularly Lucksmiths-y turn of phrase, the track "There Is a Boy That Never Goes Out" will be featured on the album... haven't heard it yet so don't know if it borrows at all from the Smiths classic, but the Lucksmiths are brilliant so I'm sure this track is, too...
posted by davidt on Tuesday March 04 2003, @10:00AM
torr writes:

In the March issue of Alternative Press, AFI's Davey Havok (whoever that is) lists Morrissey's "Angel, Angel, Down We Go Together" as one of his favorite "love songs".
posted by davidt on Tuesday March 04 2003, @10:00AM
Julia Tausch writes:

Hey. There's a poet up here in Montreal, Jon Paul Fiorentino, who is getting tons of good press and critical attention and he's always mentioning Morrissey and The Smiths in his articles! I've seen him perform and he's quite stunning!

Article: Mr. Smith Writes Poetry

Article: 2003 Noisemaker
posted by davidt on Tuesday March 04 2003, @10:00AM
Vasilis Maniatis writes:

A book named "Songs of the Century, 2004 best songs" has been recently edited in Greece. Authors are John Petridis (the best radio d.j. in Greece for almost three decades, something like a Greek John Peel of the B.B.C.) and his co-worker Kostas Zougris. There is a story about any of the songs and it is an exceptional and excellent book (unfortunately only in Greek languauge). Among these songs there is a Smiths' song and this is "How Soon Is Now?". What is more important this song is also included in the first author's personal top 40 list of the century. You can contact J.Petridis at:"[email protected]".
posted by davidt on Tuesday March 04 2003, @10:00AM
Joely Marr writes:

For those with Quicktime, a computer better than mine, and a minute or two spare- why not visit this link to watch a summary of WHW/ NWF's last PPV event, set to the musical stylings of the Smiths?

I edited this in college last year with an VHS/ U-matic editing setup. *sheds a tear* Those were the days...

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