posted by davidt on Tuesday December 10 2002, @09:30AM
Vincent writes:

...I found it while watching a Suede-interview:

Lydverket - Smiths special (28:48), Morrissey interview (6:17)

Click on the video links (high or low bandwidth, Windows Media format).

Related items:
posted by davidt on Tuesday December 10 2002, @09:30AM
Rod Hilton writes:

I've just heard on my local radio station that Boz Boorer has been arrested for drunk-driving. They said it happened a couple of nights ago and he's been discharged since but is now due to appear in court sometime early next year. Apparently he was pulled over doing about 85 m.p.h on a country lane. The station was interested because he was somewhere in the county at the time. They also said he was over here visiting his grandparents.

Update: 12/11 07:13 GMT: An email sent to the submitter of the item bounced back, so it's likely another hoax submission.
posted by davidt on Tuesday December 10 2002, @09:30AM
Vincent writes:

Belgian weekly magazine "Knack" had an interview with Noel Gallagher, published last week. In the article the Oasis-mainman talks about the The Smiths and Morrissey and mentions briefly the 2002 tour. You can find the full interview (in dutch!) here.

I translated the two relevant questions (in a hurry):

Q: The Smiths and The Jam splitted in bitter circumstances and afterwards there were courtcases between the members. In Oasis there were also a lot of fights but the band's still there. Because you don't want to end like them?

Noel Gallagher: You don't have control over the way you end. I presume that, if you split, you feel it inside yourself. But for them, the split wasn't the end. Paul Weller is better than ever, I saw Morrissey a couple of times solo, in Australia, and that was fantastic! And Johnny just had some bad luck. I don't worry, I live from day to day.

Q: There are rumours you are planning a cover album, with songs from Burt Bacharach.

Noel Gallagher: I would really love that. Maybe it will happen. But not only Burt Bacharach. The Smiths also. Maybe just on the acoustic guitar, beautiful and simple.

In the interview Noel also talks about the chemistry between Johnny Marr and Morrissey, the new album from Johnny and the influence from The Smiths ("When The Jam split, The Smiths started, and I totally went for them. I had, also, the right age for it.")
posted by davidt on Tuesday December 10 2002, @09:30AM
jtang writes:

Time Out London, Nov. 27-Dec. 4, 2002, Issue #1684 "Going Solo"

Article about Rules of the Game, of how to flirt. There was a box about "All Mod Icons", with ten solo role models, including of course:

Morrissey -- Okay, maybe just the wrong side of normal. But he did write the best pop lyrics ever."

The other solo role models include: Holly Golightly, Jodie Foster, James Bond, Ruth from 'Six Feet Under', Eminem, Philip Marlowe, Nicole Kidman, Joey from 'Friends', Bianca Jagger.
posted by davidt on Tuesday December 10 2002, @09:30AM
stockwell martyr writes:

MVC the music shop has a current promotion on the top 100 greatest albums, the usual suspect "The Queen Is Dead" is in at 23 but I was pleased to see "The Smiths" in at number 81. The full chart is at:

100 greatest albums ever made -
posted by davidt on Tuesday December 10 2002, @09:30AM
BlueGirl writes:

This is an interesting list of singles, to say the least. It was pulled from the NYT 'Popular Music' Forum into print, so this isn't a NYT writer. You'll need to sign up for a free membership to the Times to access the URL, but savvy kids like you should already have one, right? readersopinions/06TOP20.html

Here's what Timothy Davis had to say about The Smiths:

"How Soon is Now, the Smiths. This sounds nothing like anything else the Smiths ever did, thankfully. Fantastic reverb work on the guitar, and despite its 5 minute plus length, it’s one of those songs that disappoints you for being over so quickly. If you kept jabbing Morrissey and Robert Smith at the same time with the eraser-end of a pencil, who do you think would cry first?"
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