posted by davidt on Friday August 09 2002, @10:00PM
Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Informative and interesting posts will be moderated up and highlighted. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.
posted by davidt on Friday August 09 2002, @09:45AM
Az Moz Fan writes:

Just thought you guys might want read this. I thought it was pretty good. It doesn't contain the usual negative comments directed towards Moz. Link:

Still Ill - Phoenix New Times, Aug. 9
By Johnathan Bond
Forever Maladjusted, Morrissey hauls his musical baggage out on tour


The man who is perhaps the most unlikely pop star of our time is returning to Phoenix. Morrissey — son of librarians, celibate singer of sexual songs, violent vegetarian, bundle of endless contradiction and controversy — graces Celebrity Theatre with his presence on Friday, August 9.

The question is: Why? The former vocalist of the Smiths has no new album, no new retrospective, and is backed by no sudden resurgence of the music of the Smiths. He has been a solo artist much longer than he was a Smith anyway, beginning with Viva Hate way back in 1988. His biggest-selling record in America was 1994's Vauxhall and I, which spawned the self-parodying hit single "The More You Ignore Me, the Closer I Get." His career appears to have been in a steady decline since then.
posted by davidt on Friday August 09 2002, @09:45AM
Jose G. writes:

As seen in The Yuma Daily Sun on August 8, 2002.
He Really Is Coming
Upcoming concert by British pop star Morrissey getting lots of attention

Aug. 8, 2002

Don't be a meanie and tell a Morrissey fan that it's all just been a rudely hatched hoax.

The British pop star really is coming to Yuma and his famously devoted fans are having a hard time believing their luck.

"People have been calling just to see if it's really true," said Mary Jane Chambers, director of the Yuma Civic and Convention Center, where the concert will be held Sunday. "In the beginning, there were rumors just everywhere. There were calls a month before the show was even officially booked."

And it's not just local fans who are calling. Through a slew of Web sites and discussion lists, Morrissey lovers from around country have caught wind of the Yuma show and are headed this way. Some probably go to as many of his concerts as possible, or are just jumping at the chance to get the easy seats a small-town show can offer.

"We've had calls from as far away as Massachusetts and New York City," Chambers said. "This is the first time I can remember that we've ever had interest outside the immediate area. It's fantastic!"
Scan of article (360K) also from Jose.
posted by davidt on Friday August 09 2002, @09:45AM
alainsane writes:

I was getting annoying e-mails from House of Blues promoting bands I had absolutely no interest in and yet none for Morrissey even though his shows were sooner. I wrote then a faux-snipy e-mail asking them what was up with that and here is the reply:

Hey - No need to mention Morrissey. Like you said - two sold out
shows. I have no more tickets to sell, so no need to promote his shows. Hope you were able to get your Morrissey tickets before the shows sold out. If not, rumor has it there could possibly be an addition of show #3... keep your eyes peeled.
posted by davidt on Friday August 09 2002, @09:45AM
mrbleepbleep writes:

Over the last few days I have heard rumours that Moz has asked new band The Thrills to open for him at the Royal Albert Hall. This info has come from the A&R department of a major publisher where I work, and apparently the support is only for one of the nights, not both. This could well be true as Moz is known to be a fan of The Thrills, however it must be noted that as yet they have not really had any live shows, especially in anywhere as large as the Albert Hall. Let's wait and see....
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