posted by
on Thursday November 02 2000, @10:00AM
posted by
on Thursday November 02 2000, @10:00AM
Clive writes: Morrissey mentioned in the final paragraph of this link ...
Madchester lookalikes hunt - BBC Online Excerpt:
...Wendy Brazington says she's got some good casting leads: "I've got a very good lead for a Bez lookalike which I'm still chasing up."
"I saw somebody who looked quite like Morrissey the other day. We're still looking for Shaun Ryder, so Shaun, if you're out there, we want to meet you!"
posted by
on Thursday November 02 2000, @10:00AM
Aurora writes:
When I got my Warrior Nun Areala #14 which came out the first week in October, I quickly looked through the book to see if the artist Craig Babiar included any Morrissey references. Sure enough, there seem to be more than usual in this issue. There is a group of punk kids with the word MOZZER written on their T-shirts! Awesome! I have included a scan of one of the panels with one of the kids wearing the T-shirt as well as the cover of the book in case anyone is interested in picking up a copy. I contacted the publishing company Antarctic Press to find out anything on Craig. They told me that he is indeed a huge Morrissey fan and that he currently resides in Torrance, CA. It seems like Southern CA is the place for Moz fans!
posted by
on Thursday November 02 2000, @10:00AM
VickyR writes: While looking over the recent edition of The Onion online I came across something rather amusing. The story relates that Sharon Stone is to star in an upcoming Barry Levinson film entitled..."This Charming Man." Just to satisfy my own stupid curiosity I checked it out at IMDB.com. It's not true (schockola!). Oh well. To see the tiny article go to www.theonion.com (Oct. 25 issue). It's on the bottom of the front page.
posted by
on Thursday November 02 2000, @10:00AM
bernard42 writes: Today I was watching VH-1, and this bland show called "The List" came on. I was too lazy to change the channel, so I decided to watch it. They were interviewing people and asking them to list a song that they never get sick of hearing. Most people were listing really bad songs, but they did interview a girl who said she never got sick of hearing "Suedehead" by Morrissey. They then played about 5 seconds of misc. Moz video shots. It was interesting that VH-1 acknowleged who Morrissey was.
posted by
on Thursday November 02 2000, @10:00AM
shy bald buddist writes: The mention is small, but nevertheless, Morrissey's name came about to my great suprise as I read.
In the October issue of GQ, in a non-fiction article titled "The Professor of Desire," the author (who's a professor in real life) writes.... 'Claudia was the ringleader. She had a thing for Morrissey. I didn't know who the hell Morrissey was. Stephanie tried to explain it to me. I felt as if Stephanie had become my nurse and I had undergone some kind of generational stroke. I was suffering from cultural aphasia. All my references were off. None of my students listened to Bob Dylan. They didn't have to-many were named Dylan.'
posted by
on Thursday November 02 2000, @10:00AM
jypu writes: According to the Paul Newman website, the new Paul Newman record is a b-side collection tentatively titled "Re-Issue, Re-Package, Re-Package, Re-evaluate The Songs". For those who don't know who Paul Newman is, he is a guitarist/singer from Texas, very angular, almost prog-ish sounding music (to my ear).
The FOURTH Paul Newman CD will be available in February 2001
For the moment this is called Re-Issue, Re-Package, Re-Package. Re-Evaluate the Songs. Title subject to change if we get sick of explaining the reference. It's a collection of seven-inch, EP, and compliation tracks from the past three years...
posted by
on Thursday November 02 2000, @10:00AM
Adrian writes: The Smiths are mentioned in the November issue of Stuff magazine in a section called "Welcome to dumpsville." In that article there are a list of songs that are supposed to be "The tracks of your tears." The Smiths are in there with "Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now." It goes on to give examples as to when, why, and what you are doing while listening to the song. Page 97.
posted by
on Thursday November 02 2000, @10:00AM
Richard writes:
The other day I was driving home and I was listening to 91x (which is a local radio station in San Diego) and i heard "Girlfriend In A Coma" playing but not by The Smiths. It was by a local band called "FLUF". I guess they just put out an album here in San Diego. I've never heard anything of them, has anyone else? The song was petty good it had a kind of punk feel to it with slow singing.
posted by
on Thursday November 02 2000, @10:00AM
Gozzer writes: The Greek Smiths/Moz fan club "Still Ill" is helding a Smiths/Moz night on Thursday, November the 9th, a year after Moz visited Greece for the first time. The event will be held at "Memphis" club. For further information contact George Christopoulos at 0932-014492.
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