Hole bassist nominates Morrissey sexiest male artist of all time
Posted on Thu, Oct 7 1999 at 9:07 a.m. PDT
by David T. <[email protected]>
From Brian Cohen:

Morrissey was nominated as the sexiest male artist of all time by Hole bassist Melissa Van Der Mauer (spelling?) on the VH-1 show "The List". However, in true Moz fashion, his name was removed from the list after another actress on the panel eliminated him before a final vote was taken, which the studio crowd seemed quite unhappy about.

Of course, Elvis won the contest.

From trouble:

I was watching The List on vh1, where there are 4 guests and they discuss different topics. Today the guests had to pick the 3 most sexiest men of all time. One of the guests was Melissa something of Hole. She picked Morrissey as her #1 choice along with Prince at #2 and Elvis at #3. when the list of all of the choices were put up, they then had to each pick one to eliminate. All was going well until they got to the last person, Bridgette something, the broad that played the teacher in Billy Madison, she chose to eliminate Morrissey as most sexy. DUMB BROAD!!!

* item archived - comments / notes can no longer be added.

Comments / Notes

The Bassist from Hole is HoTT!!! She should win hottest bassist of all time! Move over Gary Day...

Abrahan Garza <[email protected]>
Houston, TX, Where Morrissey Doesn't Go - Thu, Oct 07, 1999 at 09:50:03 (PDT) | #1

Her name is Melissa Auf Der Maur, and I agree that she is a hottie.

Mikey <[email protected]>
New Effin Jersey - Thu, Oct 07, 1999 at 10:30:59 (PDT) | #2

Right when i heard the topic "sexiest male artist of all time" I thought SOMEone better mention Morrissey because HE of course is the sexiest man alive and (besides elvis) sexiest man of all time! BY the way everyone buy The La times.. on the calender theres a picture of Morrissey & article about coachella.

Unruly Girl <[email protected]>
- Thu, Oct 07, 1999 at 10:40:48 (PDT) | #3

The most astonishing aspect to this post is to learn that someone still uses the word "broad" !
Morrissey is the sexiest. However older, fatter Elvis was a sexy BROAD as well. =)

see - Thu, Oct 07, 1999 at 11:30:12 (PDT) | #4

Melissa and Morrissey - unite and take over!
Two hotties indeed.

Karlcutta - Thu, Oct 07, 1999 at 15:05:05 (PDT) | #5

I turned on the TV (which I rarely do) to hear people booing and hissing. Along with this was a barely audible Morrissey video that I have never seen. I would know the song but, it was barely audible. Melissa defended her choice even after the host said "but, Melissa do you really want to pick Morrissey?!" One who really cares about this lame show or the lame topic "Sexiest Male Singer." Before we could wink Morrissey was knocked off the list and the audience cheered. The people who stayed on led me to shudder but, typical America. Lenny Kravitz = lame Hendrix wannabe, out of all of the songs to cover why "American Woman" why not something that says hey I actually listen to cool music other than the geezer-rock. Steven Tyler stayed on the list = aka horny man, does he still constantly sing his hits, is Steven Tyler as cool as Ron Mael or Russell Mael of Sparks: NO!!...Both bands started out in the 60s' 70's let Tyler and his boys are just boring and well bringing us to the other nominated named 2pac aka is he dead or isn't he, why has he made like 5 albums + since his death, why did 2Pac rape a girl and never apoligize, when did thugs become sexy is it because they sing about "bitches", I guess in a lame world ex gangmembers that are suppossed to be dead are sexy, but, this is all part of thugs taking over mtv. Has anyone seen 120 minutes lately don't bother. I don't mean to sound rude about 2Pac but, unfortunately in the music industry if you are somewhat popular and die before your time. Then you are a martyr. I'm not just picking on 2Pac and I don't mean to sound insensitive. I'll probably feel bad after sending this. But, if I was on the show my top three would be 3) Tom Waits 2) Russell Mael of Sparks (they have a new album coming out in November called "Balls" check it out if you haven't heard this band and 1)Morrissey - whom has humour and sadness and a voice that with lyrics can touch ones heart and cause people to go across the globe just to see him live. Well, I hope nobody gets angry about my 2Pac comment and 2Pac if you are alive reading this on a tropical isle well I guess that means you are a Morrissey fan therefore, you probably aren't violent enough to send one of your boys to come shoot me. Thanks I've said my business.

Brian Tennant
- Thu, Oct 07, 1999 at 15:05:43 (PDT) | #6

Brian, you don´t have to apologize for anything.
You are 100 per cent right!
I´m clapping my hands.
Except, I feel like Ron has a bit more sex appeal, in a way.
But the 2pac thing - yay, what´s the difference to the RZA or whatever his lame name might be. They all do look the same, sound the same, shoot the same videos.
F*ck the Wu TangKKKlan and all the rest.

Chas Smash
Hell - Thu, Oct 07, 1999 at 16:15:38 (PDT) | #7

Yeeeeeeeees I agree with Bryan and chas.

Enough of this gangsta rap crap. Real music will never die. Anyone can rap but not all can touch you with their lyrics like Moz and Mc culloch etc... And rap/rock sucks too. Are you rap or rock? choose one or the other. Jaguares rule too.

Hasta la pasta

Kixers Malixers <[email protected]>
Anaslime, Mozifornia - Thu, Oct 07, 1999 at 18:29:17 (PDT) | #8

Yikes! Morrissey fans using a word like "broad"? What's the world coming to?

LoafingOaf <[email protected]>
- Thu, Oct 07, 1999 at 18:49:35 (PDT) | #9

Some of you need to realize that you are in the 1990's, just about to break into the next millenium. There are no more boundaries between musical styles.

If you think anyone can rap, then you obviously have no understanding of what it is or what it takes. Rapping is one of the most amazing musical styles around. To do it well, which Tupak Shakur did, is an amazing talent. Have you ever listened to Tupak's lyrics? Have you ever heard "Life Goes On" off disc 1 of his album All Eyez On Me? It's beauty rivals any lyrics Steven or anyone else has ever written. We're talking about a man that was built in and from the streets. For him to write like he does is amazing because his talent is so raw.

I don't argue against Steven being wonderful - heaven knows I adore him - but some of you should widen your horizons a bit.

Some of the attacks I don't even understand. "Wu Tang KKKlan"? You do realize that Wu-Tang are black?

Kixers Malixers, did you have any problem with the Stone Roses? They incorporated dance and rock better than any other guitar band so far and they wouldn't have been anything without the hybrid quality of their music. I haven't spoken to Ian in ages but believe me when I say that he would be appalled with the attitudes in here. Then he'd laugh and forget about it.

Cili Barnes
Los Angeles - Thu, Oct 07, 1999 at 20:03:11 (PDT) | #10


Regardless of what anyone says I do believe I was stating my opinion that rap is crap and was also agreeing with some fellow rockers. I also dont like rap being mixed in with rock. Something I do
believe I am able to do right? As for my not knowing what rap is about. Hang the rapper because the crap that he is constantly spewing it says nothing to me about my life! Long live real music.

Kixers Malixers <[email protected]>
Anaslime, Mozifornia - Thu, Oct 07, 1999 at 21:56:42 (PDT) | #11

I'm sorry if this offends any 1 or sounds Racist, but why do so many people especially whites embrace the black culture???????????????????????? I mean these rappers say they talk about real life?? thugging?? I don't think a whole lot of people who buy that music actually thug or whatever they call it. I have sat down and read alot of words from different albums (rap) it's not much different from one another. Rappers aren't very educated (alot of slang), criminals: always getting arrested for something boneheaded. Womanizers: the 3 F CLUB ( Find them F**** them Forget them). It still puzzles me that females would want to get involved with any guy who Talks funny (slang) dresses funny (big clothes) and acts so immature?? If you know 1 person with the "hip hop thing happenin" you know them all. DUH?

There the ones who have taught people through their lyrics to live with a hardcore lifestyle. Why do you think that people that listen to rap are always violent, ready to fight, hopes someone "looks at them wrong" so they can get all hardcore on you. Then again I actually do know a few people who really don't like black people , but yet they listen to their music?? talk about being lost

I'm sorry whites praise the black culture to to much. I heard that there is going to be a "black Gap". ( gap meaning the retail store) Not that I like the Gap in the first place. It's like I always said "whites always get accused for being racist
, but when it comes to the blacks everything to them has to be about them. That's racist in it's self. Come on BET television. hhhmmmmm? now a black gap?? The original Gap isnt good enough for them, it doesn't fit their needs, it has to be black?? There's alot of things I could list but i'm done bithin now.

boy racer
Midland, pa - Thu, Oct 07, 1999 at 22:11:53 (PDT) | #12

Sorry I still have a few things to state. FUBU the clothing it means For Us By Us. Who the F**** do white people think their talking about???????? The 4 people who created it are Black. It doesn't come and smack you in the face but it doesn't take someone smart or does it? to figure it out ? For black people By black people , but NNOOOOOO they're never racist?

People like Limp Bizkit and Kid Rock should be hung by they're pretty white necks for mixing rock and rap. How disgracing is that to rock music? It is a bunch of noise and a bunch of yelling. There's just no soul in rap or that new grabage those talentless annoying idiots created.

boy racer
Midland, pa - Thu, Oct 07, 1999 at 22:30:00 (PDT) | #13

Who cares? Bridgette Wilson is hot as hell. "Want to touch the hiney.."

- Thu, Oct 07, 1999 at 23:10:39 (PDT) | #14

I'm very disappointed with the racism, masked or not, on this messageboard (or whatever you'd call this).

I feel that we can be so much better than that. Before you start yelling, no, I'm not putting the spotlight on your Kixers Malixers. I actually think the artists you're referring to are worthless too - KidRock and Limp Biskit. But remember that there are some very talented artists creating some very wonderful music by crossing these musical boundaries. The innovators have always done that. Have you ever read the Beatles' early criticisms? If you dislike KidRock, say that you dislike him, but don't be so quick to reprove an entire style because of that bastard. Oops. I said that I wouldn't put the spotlight on you didn't I? Sorry baby. Mwah! You know you like the attention darling, admit it.

I think it's beautiful to see artists ignoring these silly divisions. It's all about unity to me. When I saw Ian wearing a t-shirt of Africa and singing about one love, I fell in love for the third time. Some of you could learn a few lessons from that beautiful man.

Cili Barnes
Los Angeles - Fri, Oct 08, 1999 at 00:29:16 (PDT) | #15

Let us not forget in our irrationality... "it's so easy to laugh, it's so easy to hate... IT TAKES GUTS TO BE GENTLE AND KIND!"

...and Moz is far sexier than Elvis ever could be, thank you.

malhomme <[email protected]>
austin, texas (no morrissey doesnt come here either) - Fri, Oct 08, 1999 at 00:46:13 (PDT) | #16

Hmm.... how did this whole racism thing come from Morrissey's de-nomination of Sexiest Male?

My whole observation is that rap music is entirely racist.

For one, there are Latino and Asian rappers out there, long before there was a Kid Rock, Korn, or even Vanilla Ice. And, rather than being signed, they either had to disguise their ethnicities, or they stayed proud of their heritage (thus staying on the streets, unsigned, unsuccessful.) There is this one DJ named Theo--I think from LA--who disguises his Asian ethnicity, and publicly skates around any ethnic questions solely for the purpose of 'street props'. His excuse is 'I'm not a skin color, I'm just human', but if the hood finds out he's Asian, try to tell me they'll keep dancing to his beats.

And, there is a fallacy that all caucasian rappers 'suck'. Why? Because of Vanilla Ice, Eminem, and Marky Mark from Booger Nights. Are these guys the only caucasian rappers in the universe? There has to be at least one caucasian rapper that can flow better than DMX. And, some of the most successful rappers ever are three Jews--The Beastie Boys--albeit, because of their skin color, they are considered "alternative music". Remember, the Beasties arrived back when LL Cool J had a bedtime, when Run DMC was still learning how to walk this way, and Kutis Blow was still recording. They have street props, but still are recognized as a 'white alternative group'.

And, there is such a closed-minded attitude created and accepted by the rap community. My race tends to chastise me for listening to Morrissey. They call me a sellout for not listening to rap. And, in most cases, caucasians chastise me for the same reasons: "What the @#!!!?!? The Smiths are not for YOU!". Another annoying thing, is that rap creates the race issue more than solves it. I have a friend who thinks any sort of displeasureable conversation/greeting has something to do with the race issue: "That @#!!! wouldn't give me change for the phone just because I'm _____". Well, maybe he just DIDN'T HAVE CHANGE!!! The rap community almost needs these issues to exist. It's so obvious how they create them, as they have done nothing sincere to solve it. The rap community from poverty stricken neighborhoods should focus their attention on getting out of the hood, rather than trying to outdo their neighbors. Sadly, the suburbs are taking their example, and starting suburban gangs--it may sound funny, but 20 guys versus one, caucasian or not, you are gonna get your ass kicked by these guys!!! Rap seems to be it's self enforcer of racism.

As an artform, it used to fascinating. But, after 1991, I stopped even caring about it. Guys like Puff Daddy are karaoke singers, and every damn group samples "Genius of Love" from the Tom Tom Club. If one samples a popular beat, 4 months later someone else will. And, God!, everyone has sampled "The Message" from Grand Master Flash.

I onced at least respected NWA and Public Enemy. But, it seems that 1) they have nothing to say anymore, and are around these days just for your money 2) their solo stuff/PE's new album sucks, and they just can't cut it anymore. Rap is now officially a joke.

For the record, yes I am a minority. I once lived in a poverty stricken area. One can get out of the hood. And, as WCW wrestler Curt Hennig sang in song:

There's only one thing that I hate
coz it's a piece of crap
I-I-I Hate rap!!!

Viva Hate-crimes
- Fri, Oct 08, 1999 at 05:05:00 (PDT) | #17

Hey Whats up with all of these comments? I was going to write about Hole, but now I'm like all mad and stuff after reading all the racist things people have said! Whats up with that?!?!

TOLD you MOZ would CANCEL!! Buh-bye Las Vegas! Maybe Alan didn't hurt his back, maybe Moz got addicted to the nickel slots! OUTTTTTTTTTTT!!!

Chespaw - Fri, Oct 08, 1999 at 05:44:36 (PDT) | #18

Well, it is a releif to see some back bone on this site. I like that we can pull together on issues that can better effect society. Hate issues are usually bred from ignorane - everyone open up a little! I think Warren makes a good comment and interesting to see him on the site, so early. Warren, are you getting up earlier for any special reasons???

Princess Tracy
North Carolina - Fri, Oct 08, 1999 at 06:14:53 (PDT) | #19

Never ever did I mention race or color.

All of God's creation is beautiful and we are all
humans who should be treted equally. There is not one race better than another. But RAP IS STILL CRAP! And holes bassist is HOT especiallly since
she likes Moz any woman who likes moz is awesome in my book.

Rock en espanol is pretty good too.

Kixers Malixers <[email protected]>
Anaslime, Mozifornia - Fri, Oct 08, 1999 at 06:29:15 (PDT) | #20

Morrissey is the SEXIEST man alive!!

Selena <[email protected]>
Long Beach, California - Fri, Oct 08, 1999 at 11:30:41 (PDT) | #21

what gets me is that everything that is utterly miserable about life in this country: poverty, murder, inadequate education in the public school systems is was is denoted as "black culture". even when for example the actual percentage of minorities let alone speciffically blacks on welfare is dwarfed by the number of whites on welfare. what kills me is that those people the minute they find a life saver, scrape two nickels together to get some decent clothes, read a book and realize how the english was supposed to sound are allowed and expected to suffer from societal amnesia. did anybody notice that cindy crawford was hick from southern illinois or hear what madonna's voice sounded like when her career first started? but i, who never seen a ghetto and was not allowed to speak anything other than proper english am expected to not only embrace but idolize a culture i know nothing of. i dont relate, i cant relate. i'm a surburbite, everything i know about this so called black culture i learned from mass media image poppers like mtv just like you. however i am forced to suffer politely though back handed compliments like, "you speak so well."; said in seething condesention or worse yet as if they had discovered a talking chimpanzee.

dreamrrr <[email protected]>
- Fri, Oct 08, 1999 at 19:59:06 (PDT) | #22


Selena <[email protected]>
Long Beach, California - Fri, Oct 08, 1999 at 23:35:09 (PDT) | #23

double hmmm selena ... aw help me, but i FIRMLY am of the opinion that rap is crap. sorry - absolutely no racist connotations there at all.

ciao julie
(just my own PERSONAL musical opinions tis all)

julie <[email protected]>
oz - Sat, Oct 09, 1999 at 08:10:15 (PDT) | #24

First of all, it is important for us as educated people to embrace culture. To be openminded and view everything for what it is truly worth. I do not believe in racism, hate, violence and so forth. That is why I listen to Morrissey and the other bands that I do. Not only do these bands totally ignore this rock/rap or whatever the flavor of the month is in music but, they bring about an original vision that just makes life a little more interesting. Thank god that some people can still think and make good music. I have had the experience that dreamrrr had, just because I am well-read people in various places say "damn bro, you so @#!!!in' smart" and then they usually think I'm gay because I don't womanize everything on two legs. I also think that boyracer, A Viva Hate-crimes and Kixers malixers all had cool comments that I can agree with. If this "hard life" of thug culture really wanted peace. Since, their music is soo "Strong" they could obtain it by enforcing peace and love in their lyrics. Then instead of hardcore rap fans wanting to get hardcore, instead they would want to get well-read and hug all those that are different around them. Instead of saying things like "Damn Girl You Look @#!!!ing Hot" or "You a @#!!!ing Queer Man Why You Trippin" they would enbrace different cultures and treat women with respect. Did anybody notice there are not any gay rappers? Strange huh? It is fear of being different. Unfortunatly, rap could be a powerful influence over it's fans but, the message is off the message is wrong. Yeah, maybe as Cili Barnes said they may have a few heartfelt songs but, then whatever positive emotion they capture they then destroy when the next 10 songs play on the rest of the album. I feel that Tricky's "Pre-Millenium Tension" was a great album when I first heard it. It is a shame it didn't change the culture. Many thugs and such have not even heard of Tricky and when they do hear of him they just say "this guys trippin." O-KAY. Now, I would like to add that Chas Smash had a powerful response about being a minority and going against the norm because it is what he likes. I know many people like him and those people have become some of my best friends. As for Marrissey's comment maybe Bridgette Wilson could be cute but, from her intellect and such and knocking off Morrissey for 2Pac she is just lame. NOtice on the show when it was her turn to knock someone off the list she had to turn to the next panelist and ask "who should I knock off?" Think for yourself Wilson and Marrissey you are probably just still in puberty. Now, Princess Tracey and many other readers had a nice comment that all of this picking on society should stop. It is perhaps time for a change of pace. I think that none of us were being narrow minded just observing a society that we don't understand where it can possibly be heading. It is 1999, and mainstream music and the "common People" that listen to it are exhibiting questionable behavior. Television probably has the effect of heroin on the brain. With the exception of a few shows. Poets are becoming less and less. It has been my opinion because I am an English major that if those poets were around today they wouldn't be writing poetry or if they would they wouldn't be known till one hundred years later. Instead, they would be bogged down with work and expensive college or in eccentric bands. Similar to what if Morrissey or Ron Mael or Tom Waits, Neil Tennant and nameless lesser known others were around back then. They would probably be poets and we would be reading them in English classes today. I'm not saying "Satan Rejected My Soul" or "Being Boring" would be classic literature but, these personalities would have had the heart and found the influence to write wonderful works. Well, I am sorry for my knocking of the thug life but, I have known people that have done horrible things that exist in the sespool of that culture. When I first met my girlfriend she had a friend who hung around these people. One Halloween they went out and they didn't want me to go with them. It turns out one the the friends wanted to have a fling with you know who (my gf). This guy was a coke dealer, bashed his girlfriends head into the windshield the night before and tried to rape my gf on the dance floor. All the while I was at home writing a research paper. When I heard the news I was well upset. So I called the house to find out what was going on and before I knew it they had caller Id and the thug patrol came to my house and wanted to kill me. Luckily I outwitted them and they couldn't get me. Needless, to say I don't hang out with this girl or her superficial friends . Well, enough stories I am just stating I don't hate these people I just don't understand their anger and violence and narrowmindedness. If they wanted to get out of their hole they could but, they don't because they seem to live in a fishbowl world. Yet, if they truly want to get out I wish them luck and lend my heart to them. Take it its' deserve it. I think everyone on this list has a valid point and we should view our comments and take into consideration other peoples comments as well. As long as we are young in the mind we shall never grow old and close minded.

Brian Moreno <[email protected]>
San Antonio, TX - Sun, Oct 10, 1999 at 10:45:26 (PDT) | #25

OK, I really think this whole thing has gone too far now. Wake up!!!! Try leaving in the real world instead of a shell, where there are more existing colors than black & white. Why can´t we listen to hip-hop AND Morrissey. As far as I´m concerned, one so-so Puffy-song is far more interesting than the entire decaying brit-pop scene. Talk about something that all sounds the same!

I never recognized that Moz-fans could be such small-minded bigots until this very moment. You should all be @#!!!ing glad to still have Moz by your side, since he still is such a great artist. And just to terrorize you racists out there: ROCK IS CRAP! Garbage, Smashing Pumpkins, Radiohead, Limp Bizkit, confusion, illusion, frustration, bull@#!!!. The only white bands artists still worth living for are Moz, Belle & Sebastian, Pavement, Sonic Youth and Hefner. For now I´ll just keep on listening to Ol´Dirty Bastard.

"Elvis was a hero to most, but he never meant @#!!! to me you see/Straight up rascist that sucker was, simple and plain/mother@#!!! him and John Wayne"

Elvis is only one of a thousand white artists to make living out of black, less fortunate artists. Still I like him because of his beautiful voice.

Throw your fist up!!!!

Loretta Scars
Deadham, Mass. - Sun, Oct 10, 1999 at 11:25:59 (PDT) | #26

Oh, Loretta!

Yes, I must agree. Britpop is dying/dead. I mean, all the UK has left are the Manics and The Stereophonics (ugh!). But, Garbage and Radiohead at least put some imagination into their music.

It's okay to listen to rap. Ol' Dirty Bastard is funny, but I can't stand DMX or Juvenile. What is sad is that there is no imagination or craft in rap anymore. Everyone steals hooks, and everyone steals hooks already stolen from someone who stole it from they guy that first stole it.

And, I also believe rap is racist. Yes, it has a political banner. But, for example, U2 was once political. Yet, never once have I ever heard Bono blame the English for his problems.

Read the post written by Viva Hate-crimes. You don't have to agree, but please don't refuse the perception.

- Sun, Oct 10, 1999 at 11:45:07 (PDT) | #27

Racism or not
Rap isnt all bad. Biggy was good, you listen to the bravado, the confidence, it affects you. Sometimes its good to feel like you bad mutherf****.

How about NWA - F*** the Police, not a day goes by I dont repeat that to myself. Or Big Daddy Kane, Or Slick Rick, slick rick was the sh** Ahh rap can affect you, its like blues, you get a definite mood from it. Todays rap is bad, hopfully someone will shoot Puff daddy and his scank Rican celebrity whore girlfriend. But Rap has its good sides

- Sun, Oct 10, 1999 at 12:15:54 (PDT) | #28

Sorry to burst your bubble Loretta, but Radiohead is a little ahead of their time. Know what I mean????

As for that comment about Moz fans being biggots. You do understand you are one to?? One that listens to hip- hop and Moz gives me the impression that that person has got to be a schizophrenic.

whoever stated the thing about learning other cultures. Who said that we have to??

boy racer
Midland, pa - Sun, Oct 10, 1999 at 22:38:01 (PDT) | #29

To boy racer:

Radiohead ahead of their time? They sound like Pink Floyd did back in -82!

So you can´t listen to hip-hop AND Moz? Why? Am I a race-traitor? Please explain it to me, I´m so naive!

Loretta Scars
Deadham, Mass. - Mon, Oct 11, 1999 at 13:33:12 (PDT) | #30

You really learn quick don't you Loretta. Yes their ahead of their time. A little like Pink Floyd but not just like them. Two totally different things. You have to be high to really like Pink Floyd. At least that's what I've always been told but never was curious to find out. Hip hop and Moz what's there to explain about that. sounds like the making of a made manwoman whatever. issues issues issues my dear.

boy racer
Midland, pa - Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 22:07:44 (PDT) | #31

> You really learn quick don't you Loretta.

Not as quickly as you do though Boy Racer.

sounds like the making of a made manwoman
> whatever.

issues issues issues my dear.

My thoughts exactly you ignorant racist idiot. It's sad that you are so very aware of divisions between people according to their skin color. It's also sad that, judging from your messages above, you think every black person is a part of the culture which spawned FUBU clothing and all white people may be like you and should allocate their musical loyalties into solely "white" bands. I made these inferences because you have this habit of using sweeping generalized categorizations like "whites" and "blacks"; fully utilizing the unnecessary we/they dichotomy in your thinking which is primitive to the core.

You were even brazen and benighted enough to state that "people that listen to rap are always violent, ready to fight", insinuating that rap music might be the cause of it all. You show such a lack of education and intelligence in your thinking, I laugh at, but also am infuriated by, your words as I read them.

I know how low you are and that acknowledging you should be considered a waste of my time but hopefully you can get past my insults and realize a few things about yourself. I don't know if you realize that you're a racist.

You sicken me for being so unapologetic about it. I'm sorry for this message everyone. I just wanted Boy Racer to read SOMEONE condemning his words.

This will be the last message I post on this issue which seems to have moved on. Sorry to bring it back up.

Cili Barnes
Los Angeles - Wed, Oct 13, 1999 at 09:33:27 (PDT) | #32

I'm going with Cili on this one...

How about a little Point/CounterPoint?
Let's see: Hip-Hop kids always ready to fight? You haven't met many skinheads, have you? I'm not just talking 'bout nazi boneheads, neither (sic). Even non-racist, apolitaical skins are pretty rough and ready, not backing away from a scrap. Happily multi-cultural (punk, ska, all that @#!!! has crossed silly perceived racial boundries).

Next: I used to dispute this myself, but it is a fact that racism can only originate from the power one group has over another. The black community has no institution power over the white "community" (which is an odd thing to write, since everything else is white culture by default... but I digest). So, to claim that rap as a cultural phenomenon is rasist is fallacy. True, some hip-hop does rely on America's racial divisions for fodder, but that hardly makes it ALL racist. Here I echo Cili's remarks about the Us/Them dichotomy.

And how about Viva Hate-crimes' comments about Asian & Latino artists masking or downplaying their cultural roots: well, the fact of the matter is that most record executives are stodgy white men who only know what marketers and polls tell them. These poor, crotchty bastards will NEVER EVER go for something they know won't sell. An Asian hip-hop act? Try selling that image to MTV-addict suburban kids. And if you were asleep during the early- to mid-ninties, Cypress Hill did NOT downplay their ethnicity one bit and they were a commercial success (well, for 2 albums, anyway).

Now, this leads me into what popular, mainstream culture does to our ideas of ethnic culture. For those people who honestly believe that the stuff they see on MTV and the WB are bonafide examples of black culture or that Taco Bell is Mexican food, you can get a refund at the ticket window, thanks for playing. Whoever said TV has the effect of heroin on the brain had it right. Hip-hop culture (which I would say includes grafitti culture and DJ culture to some extent) is not the same a "black culture." Try to explain to a John Lee Hooker or Miles Davis (RIP) that theirs is hip-hop culture. Let's call a spade a spade.

No one said we have to learn about other cultures, but you can't expect to be taken seriously by making statements out of ingorance with precious little to back it up.

I'd like to add that most of the rap cited as bad lame or "crap", as most have called it, have been taken from limited scope of hip-hop that can be gleened from the cable box. Yes SOME rap is infinately forgettable and offensive even to the hardened cynic. But that's how they sell records!! Even Dr. Dre admitted he was just into this for the money! At least he honest. There's plenty out there (Gangstarr, which despite the name, send a very positive, uplifting message; MC Solaar, which I can't understand, b/c it's en Francais, but it sounds cool; Digable Planets; someone mentioned Tricky; older BDP; I could go on) that is creative, inspiting and even downright dancable (after all, that was originally the point). Even the cheesy, annoying posturings of Puff Daddy, as lame as they are, are the ultimate post-modern melange of American popular music of the past 2 or 3 decades! (Plus he sells records, so he must be doing something right, guffaw, guffaw!)

So what's the point? Even though it's been said, it deserves a retelling. The world doesn't end at one's doorstep. Personally, I enjoy music even my more enlightened friends view as trash... Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, Oasis, Pet Shop Boys, older Public Enemy, Faith No More, Refused, Billy Bragg, etc, etc (even Radiohead and Blur!!!)

So by all means, we can go around thinking all people into rap are going to beat us up in a drug-addled, misogynistic, macho haze and steal our credit cards. By all means. But don't be surprised when it gets you into trouble!!!!


Unruly Boy <[email protected]>
Jamaica Plain, MA - Thu, Oct 14, 1999 at 12:20:54 (PDT) | #33

When I get insulted I feel more important so don't bother.

boy racer
Midland, pa - Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 00:34:32 (PDT) | #34

FUBU is for black people!!!!!! Blacks are more racist than any other culture. They just don't admit it. I can tell just by the body language. like I said before don't bother with those insults it makes me feel important. i've only met a few cool black people in my life and you know one of them he's about 25 now said to me himself he doesn't understand why black people have to act the way they do. he's a very cool guy you just couldn't tell by his voice that he's black. Don't tell me anyone here can't tell if a person is "african american" by their voice.

I'm just saying that I have met about 5 black people so far in my short 20 yrs of living, 5 out of how many that aren't very nice. Maybe where you guys are from the black people do act different, but around here they look at you as if their going to shoot a laser beem out of thier eyes and burn you to death. When me and all my friends grew up we always we're bullied and I mean bullied by older teenage black kids. All the kids that I still know and don't care to know have all given into the old saying " if you can't beat them join them." I'm sorry they didn't scare this little white boy NO! they pissed me off. Hey if you people think I'm racist oh well sorry to get you all mad and stuff, but hey they brought it upon themselves. I didn't just wake up one day and say hey I think i'm going to hate black people for no reason. They gave me countless reasons.

Rap/ hip hop is for mostly black people. how hard is that to understand???????????????? Let me ask you this. Why don't black people even try and listen to rock music or whatever it's labelled these days?????????????????? Look I don't associate with them and I'm fine. I know they sure as hell aren't going to associate with me bcause I'm the only white person in my area that acts white. You know I happen to watch some of the stupid mtv music awards a while ago. You know what the host was Chris Rock I think he's funny yea h sure. so is he racist for saying " here's a guy who actually plays white peoples music." whick turned out to be one of my favorite drummers Lars Ulrich from Metallica. So I guess Chris Rock is a racist to now.???

LITTLE MAN, WHAT NOW????????????????????????????????

boy racer
Midland, pa - Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 01:06:37 (PDT) | #35

Boy Racer - I can see now that you are too far gone. I won't even try. You're beyond the reach of even the most cogent arguments.

The saddest part is that you're only 4 years younger than I am but somewhere, somehow, your growth was arrested; too early.

You have no shame. Even within the protective shroud of anonymity, I'd be cursing myself for saying some of the things you've said.

I feel genuine pity for you; honestly and truly.

Cili Barnes
Los Angeles - Sat, Oct 16, 1999 at 00:23:53 (PDT) | #36

Well I like RAP music like Run-DMC, Beastie Boys, Public Enemy, ODB, Wu Tang , NWA and various other rappers or rap groups. Oh yeah
KRS-one is another great! But the point is who cares 2Pac was a great rapper but he is not sexy at all. Some of you people should not be quick to judge a certain kind of music, if you think you are such an open minded person I suggeat you pick up a rap album and read the lyrics and at least think about it, maybe their lyrics can identify with your life or experiences! Please don't be biggots about it! As for me Im not a wigga ( a white person trying to be black example Pretty Fly For a White Guy- Offspring Vid.), the only person Im being is me! I watch that Vh-1 program and I was very dissappointed that Morrissey was taken off the list by a bimbo that should be beaten with her own clogs! But yet I was also suprised that Morrissey was mentioned! Oh yeah that video that was played in the background was " The More You Ignore Me..." which was Grammy nominated a few years back.
Well thank you for your time!

Peace Love Girl Power and Morrissey Power!


Anna Serrano aka Ginger <[email protected]>
El Paso, Texas aka El Hell Hole - Sat, Oct 16, 1999 at 10:32:42 (PDT) | #37

Cili you just feel stupid now because, I explained myself. Why do black people want to be labelled as "African Americans?" Blacks aren't the only ones from Africa. Seems a little silly doesn't it? So should I be called the "italian, irish, english, german, american?" Hey i'm fine if they like to really try and seperate themselves as much as possible.

Hung by my pretty white neck. ooops! racist
Midland, pa - Sun, Oct 17, 1999 at 21:33:39 (PDT) | #38

Boy Racer - I'm only answering your message because I want to dispel any inkling that I might be even slightly affected by anything you say anymore. At first (with what you wrote earlier on) I really was, I admit it, but after I read what you've had to say, I find you utterly dismissible.

I feel a little sorry for you, I do, because I can see that you haven't even the capacity to argue. Do you understand that? This is why you hate - because you haven't the ability not to. Can you understand this?

I know that I should actually type things like "@#!!! you", "@#!!!", or "@#!!!", because then I'd be speaking in a language you'd be able to understand but that's not how I feel.

For all I've said, I truly hope you grow up someday. I know that you too are just a product of your environment and your limitations.

This is the last time I acknowledge you.

Cili Barnes
Los Angeles - Mon, Oct 18, 1999 at 00:14:40 (PDT) | #39

* return to Morrissey-solo