posted by davidt on Tuesday October 24 2000, @09:00AM
Photos (10 pages, 404 total) from last Friday's in-store in New York City have been uploaded. Again, I tried to get just about everyone but I did miss a few. Sorry if I missed you or screwed up your picture in some other way.

Thanks to everyone for posting their stories regarding the two in-stores, I greatly enjoyed reading them. If you have a web page with stories and/or photos, let me know and I will include it in the in-store summary page.

Regarding these in-store photos -- I've gotten many requests for purchase, print out, enlargements, etc. These were all taken with a digital camera so the pictures uploaded to the site are all I have. Just right-click (or the equivalent) on the photo and save it to your hard or floppy disk. I am not familiar with printing out digital photos but I'm sure there are places that do that kind of thing, aren't there?
posted by davidt on Tuesday October 24 2000, @09:00AM
An anonymous person writes:

The night after his NYC signing, Morrissey was spotted at The Beautiful South's concert at Roseland Ballroom in Manhattan. Reportedly, he was staying at the same hotel as the band and had never seen them live before. He was also reportedly at the after gig event. A slightly tight TBS fan let him know his dislike of Moz's cover of the Jam's "That's Entertainment," to which Moz reportedly answered: "I'm sorry, it was crap wasn't it?" He also (jokingly) replied that he had retired when asked when he was to begin recording. When I hear more bits of the conversations, I'll update this.

For those of you unfamiliar with The Beautiful South, it contains members of The Housemartins (Fatboy Slim was another member of the Housemartins) who were considered similar (generally) to the Smiths in their day, though the similarity is quite a stretch. The Beautiful South also tried to include the line "Skinhead in a coma, I know it's serious" at the end of one of their songs before permission was denied.

posted by davidt on Tuesday October 24 2000, @09:00AM
Dave writes:

A loving homage both to Moz's "Sing Your Life" and to the theme of his recent tour just came out. Any more description would spoil it for you: (flash required)
posted by davidt on Tuesday October 24 2000, @09:00AM
Jennifer writes:

In the latest issue of Vanity Fair magazine, Elvis Costello lists his 500 favorite albums of all time (in alphabetical order). The Smiths The Smiths album was listed and he listed "Still Ill" as the favorite song off the album.
posted by davidt on Tuesday October 24 2000, @09:00AM
Todwick writes:

I was sitting in my quarantine (room) this evening when the 7 pm episode of VH1's 'The List' came on. The subject was 'Star you'd most like to have sex with.' (How brazen of the producers to give such a title!) Before asking each faded star of their choices, the show first has a segment in which pedestrians are asked their choices. The third individual questioned replied 'Morrissey because of the whole celibate thing.' And on cue, a clip of "My Love Life" was played and our foppish friend was featured on-screen for all of 3 seconds. Of course, the actual contestants had no such unique tastes and instead filled their ballots with the stars of today's banal pop scene. The winner? The very tawdry Shania Twain. They then played a video of hers and I was given a very nasty eye infection because of it.
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