posted by davidt on Thursday September 28 2000, @09:00AM
Again, please don't call the record store as they will not be giving out details on the event. Link to Reprise news site anonymously sent:

Morrissey on Sunset

The long-awaited DVD of the collected video works of Morrissey will be hitting the stores October 17th. A moment or two before that-- at midnite on Oct 16-- Virgin Records on Sunset Blvd in Los Angeles will open wide their doors to allow Morrissey devotees to buy the DVD early and meet Morrissey in the store. There's even a rumor that hee'll be doing the same thing at Virgin in NYC later that week. We'll let you know.
posted by davidt on Thursday September 28 2000, @09:00AM
Fence writes: There was a segment on CNN with Sandra Moost relating to PETA's 20th anniversary. It was a fairly extensive history about PETA. Who comes sliding down the red carpet? Morrissey and Sandra Bernhard. He was talking to her with intensity (probably about his favorite cause) and she was kind of posing for the paparazzi.

Damn handsome man that Moz.

UPDATE (Sept. 29): Matt writes: Here is the link to the CNN coverage of Sandra Bernhard and Morrissey at the PETA party.

Related link: Morrissey sighting on TV coverage of PETA's 20th anniversary celebration (Sept. 13)
posted by davidt on Thursday September 28 2000, @09:00AM
Stefan writes:

Today I laid my hands on the "Live In Dallas" DVD (Label No. EMI 07243 4 81234 9 7, Made in EU) (e.g. available via

It is RC 2 and claims to be 1 hour, 28 mins and 50 secs long (as stated on the back cover) - whereas the VHS has a duration of 60 mins. The cover is identical to the VHS release.

As I don't have a DVD player yet, I can't give any information if there is really any additional material on it or not.
posted by davidt on Thursday September 28 2000, @09:00AM
UnitedShoplifter writes:

VH1 (the U.S. music channel) is having an awards show based on the viewers picks. You can vote through their website. One of their categories is "Coolest Fan Website", and surprisingly enough, the site is listed as a choice.
posted by davidt on Thursday September 28 2000, @09:00AM
Jose Maldonado writes:

Morrissey/The Smiths tribute act Sweet and Tender Hooligans will be performing at these upcoming venues. Please note the show at the House of Blues in West Hollywood is free with the flyer. Print it up and bring it with you to the show.

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