posted by davidt on Monday August 14 2000, @09:00AM
Simon writes: I just heard that Morrissey will be doing some Los Angeles shows in Oct or Nov. The venues have not been announced as of yet. Should be announced shortly.

jesse writes: I saw Morrissey here in Tempe, Arizona on the first show of the 1999 tour. As I was standing in line at Boston's (to see Weezer) on the Tuesday before last, someone who worked at the venue saw my Mozz shirt and said in passing "Morrissey's coming back here in October." I wish I had found out more details. I don't know if that means he'll be coming back to the Phoenix area, or if he's playing at Boston's itself. Has anyone else heard about this?

new recordings?
inlovewiththepast writes: rumours near Bath are circulating that our Mozz and gang were supposed be laying down tracks at the Wool Hall studios! ...Anyone know any different?? This came from a worker at the studios!!! SO HOLD TIGHT.
posted by davidt on Monday August 14 2000, @09:00AM
Uninteresting Druggie writes:

Imagine my amazement reading through the local news rag finding under the music section "Morrissey drummer helping local bands make most of their talent".

It turns out that Spike Smith comes from Peterborough UK, and is giving lessons to local wannabe drummers for £15 per hour. Bargain of a lifetime perhaps, but does this mean he's not got any Moz studio work coming up??? New album plot thickens. Anyway Spike will be appearing in the SRM percussion shop in Mayors Walk, Peterborough on Sunday 13th Aug from 3pm for anyone wanting drumming lessons, it says here. The most amusing bit of the article is the resume of Moz's career entitled "Riding High in the Charts". It notably talks about the man in the past tense, reinforcing the comment that the only thing the British press will review positively is the death of Morrissey! The resume bit follows:

Today's News | August 15 | August 13  >

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