posted by davidt on Thursday June 15 2000, @07:30AM
First with the link to the NME review of "Morrissey - The CD Singles '88-'91" (out June 19) is austere:

NME doesn't like the singles set (reviewer John Mulvey gives a rating of 4/10). Gosh...

"There's an air of tragedy about this box set, of a rare talent pissed away and a limited, increasingly embittered range of expression. It's a long decline that has now reached the point where labels keep recycling his back catalogue rather than release new songs. An antique curio, a relic from an England that's slowly, mercifully, dying - and that, ironically, he now chooses to keep far away from. Let's hope Hollywood's roustabouts are more inspiring."
posted by davidt on Thursday June 15 2000, @07:30AM
John Fidler writes:

Maybe this is old news, but I was checking the Moz listing at the BMI site and saw 3 new titles I had not seen before:
  • 'Me Satisfied' listed as a Moz/Street song
  • Something weirdly listed as 'Extra the Entertainmen BG Cues'
  • And 'Arcana', which is listed as a Morrissey and Marr song!
Any info on these songs?

elsberry also writes:

I just read this question/answer thing in Mike Joyce's guestbook:

Celibate Cry: A serious question;Whe Johnny Marr left The Smiths eh you,Andy and Morrissey wanted to go on, If my memory serves me well a guitarist came in You were in the studio a couple of times, is/are there unreleased material/songs from that time?
Mike: Hi Celibate Cry, We did try to carry on. Not as The Smiths, but as a band. There is some un-released material. Where is it? Don't know......
posted by davidt on Thursday June 15 2000, @07:30AM
A. writes:

I just found this at - it's a song called "Clown Fucker" and it's a tribute to Morrissey from humorist Dana Gould. You can find it on Napster, it's really silly but really fun.

posted by davidt on Thursday June 15 2000, @07:30AM
I looked through the Larry King transcripts but couldn't find Prince anywhere. Did anyone see this? ms_smith86 writes:

Although I didn't see the show myself, I was told that when asked about who was his musical/songwriting influence, Prince said something like... "Morrissey, because he's never been afraid to sing his life."

UPDATE- June 16: According to the transcript linked by Fransendirk in the comments, the person mentioned was Morris Day not Morrissey.
posted by davidt on Thursday June 15 2000, @07:30AM
Texas Jim writes:

Looks like there was more to the "Motorcycle Au Pair Boy" tag than I first thought; in the June issue of the British motorcycle magazine "Bike" Mozzer gets a nod in (of all things) an article about learning to pop wheelies; the author cautions the reader to be patient and practice, for "as Uncle Morrissey said, 'these things take time.'"

Morrissey and Motorcycles - just seems to fit, doesn't it?
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