posted by davidt on Tuesday June 13 2000, @07:00AM
mozangeles writes:

Mr. S-T-E-V-E-N was seen backstage looking bored before the Lou Reed show Wed. (June 7) at the Universal Amphitheater. (Yes I was there) and although a couple of people approached him, he was talking with the Reprise president the whole time.
posted by davidt on Tuesday June 13 2000, @07:00AM
Link to article from jOHnnY:

Gene pull in Morrissey!

And here are a couple photos from the Gene afterparty which originally appeared on, from Alex:
posted by davidt on Tuesday June 13 2000, @07:00AM
Jake The Stripper writes:

I found this on the net the other day and thought it was of some interest.

The Unreleased 'Dagenham Dave' Video:

posted by davidt on Tuesday June 13 2000, @07:00AM
Flavio writes:

I have found at (an easter egg page) the following information on Smiths records (I couldn't check it out to see if it is really true):

posted by davidt on Tuesday June 13 2000, @07:00AM
DeBbie from the cold North! writes:

hey hey! just wanted to let you know that the July issue of Cosmopolitan has a section of "what turns you on" (or something like that!)and someone mentions that Morrissey's voice is totally sexy... nothing much after that... just thought it was sweet that Morrissey still has it!!!

sorry for wasting the space!

posted by davidt on Tuesday June 13 2000, @07:00AM
Link from Michelle:

Digital Leatherette, Steve Beard, Codex, £8.95 pbk:

Digital Leatherette is a piece of 'ambient hyperfiction' comprising fragmentary pieces of imaginary journalism, film scripts and web pages, connected only by the author's desire to be as hip as possible in the obscurity and eclecticism of his references. There is occasional humour when Beard lampoons pop personalities such as Morrissey and Dr John. But there would be far more humour if Beard accepted that lightweight satire was the limit of his ambition. Some of the material in this book would make for an entertaining website: whether it works as a book is another matter.

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