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[[Category:Morrissey Statement]] [[ Statement]] ==Summary== Regarding the South American Tour & rankings ==Statement== <blockquote> Our South American tour has ended; each night will sustain for eternity. How could this be, now, when most of the audiences weren't even born at the time of the Smiths? This tour was our highest triumph, and please believe me, we passionately cherish all of the many thousands who turned up, called out, jumped up, and refused to leave. The most difficult list to compile, but: # Lima (Peru) Parque De La Exposicion # Asuncion (Paraguay) Yacht Y Golf Club # Montevideo (Uruguay) Teatro De Verano # Brasilia (Brazil) Net Live # Buenos Aires (Argentina) Luna Park # Sao Paulo (Brazil) Citibank Hall # Sao Paulo (Brazil) Teatro Renault # Buenos Aires (Argentina) Teatro Opera Allianz # Santiago (Chile) Movistar Arena # Quito (Ecuador) Teatro Nacional Casa De La Cultura # Santiago (Chile) Primavera Fauna # Rio (Brazil) Citibank Hall although, admittedly, the excitement level between 1 and 12 consists only of the most finely split hairs. I am most proud to see how the song 'World peace is none of your business' has struck such strong emotion in people across the world. But the music industry, of course, no longer connects with real people, and I am sorry that things are the way they are ... the slightest dross meriting arms full of awards bought for them by their labels. It is an amputation, and we feel it with great sadness. The major labels are urged to turn it all into dust, and YOU are what they dare not look at. Thank you, South America! Your love is gratefully accepted and returned tenfold. MORRISSEY Lima, Peru 20 December 2015 + image below features a line from Morrissey's [[Mention::Autobiography]] and was photographed in Asuncion. Banner and picture by Marta Candia and Gustavo from Paraguay. [[File:Music_you_see_is_the_key.jpg|200px|thumb|none|]] </blockquote> Archived [ original post here].
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