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[[Category:Influences on Morrissey - Music]] [[Category:Influenced by Morrissey / The Smiths]] [[Category:Covered by Morrissey / The Smiths]] [[Category:Songs used in pre-show]] [[Category:Tour Iconography]] [[File:Sparks.jpg | 200px | right | thumb | Sparks ]] ==Relevance== Morrissey covered [[Mention::Moon Over Kentucky]] live in 2009 and 2016. "[[Mention::Suedehead]]" was remixed by Ron and Russell Mael. From the Sparks mailing list (April, 2005): <blockquote> THE MAELS MIX MOZ<br> Ron and Russell were invited to take part in a themed remix album called The 80’s Remixed on which various artists get to remix another compatible or comparative artist whom they admire. Warner Bros. gave the Maels the choice of remixing a Smiths song or a Morrissey song. They chose to do a unique and extreme 6-1/2 minute remix of “Suedehead”, and Moz happily gave them his blessing. The masterful Mael mix is heavy on vocals and set to a completely different chord progression. The label was gracious enough to let Ron and Russell do their own thing, sparing them the horror of doing a redundant club mix. The album will be released in the UK in April. </blockquote> Morrissey's early observation in [[Mention::Autobiography]]: <blockquote> "I wander into CBGBs, where I find Russell Mael, and I blush my way through a request for a photograph, and there I stand – 17, clumsy and shy, with Russell, smiling beneath the CBGBs canopy. The first five Sparks albums had been constant companions. I had first heard This town ain’t big enough for both of us as Radio One’s Record of the Week, which they played daily at around 5:15. I had no idea who Sparks were, but I thought the singer – whoever she was – had the most arresting voice I’d ever heard. In time, of course, Sparks exploded, the color of madness. Ron Mael sat at the keyboard like an abandoned ventriloquist’s doll, and brother Russell sang in French italics with the mad urgency of someone tied to a tree. It was magnificent, and the ferocious body of sound was a speedboat in overdrive. The life and death question was: what is it? As children the Mael Brothers probably slept in bunk-coffins in an unused wing of the house, playing with surgical instruments whilst other kids of Los Angeles addressed the surf. The straitjacket sound of Sparks could never be fully explained, and even now their historic place is confusing since they belong apart. Lyrically, Ron Mael is as close to Chaucer as the pop world will ever get – elevated and poetic, nine parts demon, and I am very thankful: <I>You mentioned Kant and I was shocked ... so shocked; You know, where I come from, none of the girls have such foul tongues.</I> The lyrics of Ron Mael and the vocal sound of Russell Mael are solid and original factors, so unique that by the very laws of existence I can hardly believe they exist. The sound registered is very tough, although the faces are fixed in imperishable marble. What are Sparks? A miracle, of sorts, and the dead child is momentarily revived." </blockquote> (Morrissey is referencing lyrics from the Sparks song "Hasta Mañana, Monsieur" from their 1974 album "Kimono My House"). From: [[Turning The Inside Out. - Morrissey Central (July 5, 2021)]]: <blockquote> SAM: On the subject of Sparks, they’ve attacked you in recent years. Does this upset you? M: Amazingly, no, because I’m quite used to it. I stood by Sparks for many years and I promoted them in my own humble way whenever I could, and they were famously people without opinions so I was surprised that they kicked me in the teeth. It came across as an almost fiendish ingratitude. Oh, the pain of parting! [laughs]. They will always be important to me as a memory. </blockquote> Invited by Morrissey to be part of 2004's [[Mention::Meltdown Festival]].<br> See also: * [[Russell Mael]] * [[Ron Mael]]
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