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[[Category:Morrissey Lyrics]] [[Category:Covered by Morrissey / The Smiths]] [[File:Skin storm.jpg | thumb | right]] {{Songbox | Name = Skin Storm | Album = [[Pregnant For The Last Time (single)|Pregnant For The Last Time]] | Length = 2:58 | Recorded = Early 1991 | Writer = [[Writer::Ian Michael Hodgson]] | Producer = [[Producer::Clive Langer]]<br>[[Producer::Alan Winstanley]] | Release = 15 July 1991 | ArtistType = Morrissey }} ==Information== This is a cover of the song by [[Bradford]] (1988). Morrissey changes the original line of: "Love is a wonderful emotion" for "could be". Although Boorer, Day, Whyte & Cobrin are credited as playing on it - it is suggested that [[Mention::Mark E. Nevin]], [[Mention::Mark Bedford]] & [[Mention::Andrew Paresi]] were used. == Lyrics == <poem> Delight See our faces are both shining And I've never felt so wanted Than when you cling with arms and legs I tremble You crush my burning lips like ashes With so much skin to travel over While my head spins (and you knew it would) And oh, what a storm! And oh, what a storm! We shelter in our skin storm I feel Feel your breath burn on my body You touch my senses, tingling brightly Slip-and-sliding into heaven Love could be a wonderful emotion With such a rush of pleasure motion When I'm dancing on our skin And oh, what a storm! And oh, what a storm! We shelter in our skin storm And oh, what a storm! And oh, what a storm! We shelter in our skin storm </poem> {{CommonSongSections | Artist = Morrissey | Song = {{#replace:{{#replace:{{PAGENAME}}| (single)|}}| (song)|}}}}
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