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[[Category:Influences on Morrissey - Sports]] [[Category:Cover Star]] [[File:Rocky Graziano.jpeg | 200px | right | thumb |Rocky Graziano]] ==Relevance== The cover star of [[Spent The Day In Bed]].<br> His image was used as a tour backdrop and drum header circa 2015 - [[Stanley Kubrick]] took the photograph used as a backdrop & the one used as a single cover. The single cover was also used as a drum header in 2017. <gallery> File:38506_rocky_graziano_backdrop.jpg File:Morrissey-Concert-Review-Photos-2015-Tour-Masonic-San-Francisco-028.jpg | [ source] File:Rocky-graziano-shirtless-2.jpg | [ source] File:Spent the day in bed.jpg File:2017 drumhead graziano.jpg | [ source] File:Graziano drum hollywood bowl nov 11 2017.jpg | [ source] File:40624 hollywood bowl fb 2.jpg </gallery> [[Category:Influences on Morrissey - Film and Television]] [[Category:Concert Backdrop]] [[Category:Tour Iconography]]
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