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[[Category:Covered by Morrissey / The Smiths]] [[Category:Morrissey Lyrics]] [[File:Horses.jpg | 200px | thumb | right ]] {{Songbox | Name = Redondo Beach | Album = [[Greatest Hits]] / [[Redondo Beach/There Is A Light That Never Goes Out (single)]] | Length = 3:52 | Writer = L.Kaye/P.Smith/R.Sohl | Producer = [[Producer::Peter Asher]] (Redondo Beach) | Recorded = Janice Long radio session, December 17, 2004<br>Earl's Court, London, December 18, 2004) | Release = April 2005 (and BBC radio broadcast 2004) | ArtistType = Morrissey }} ==Information== Original version by [[Patti Smith]] is found on her 1975 album "Horses".<br> It was covered by Morrissey live in concert and on a Janice Long Radio Session (2004). ==Lyrics == <poem> Late afternoon, dreaming hotel We just had the quarrel that sent you away I was looking for you, are you gone gone? Called you on the phone, another dimension Well, you never returned, oh you know what I mean I went looking for you, are you gone, gone? Down by the ocean it was so dismal, Women all standing with a shock on their faces Sad description, oh I was looking for you Everyone was singing, girl is washed up On Redondo Beach and everyone is so sad I was looking for you, are you gone gone? Pretty little girl, everyone cried She was the victim of sweet suicide I went looking for you, are you gone gone? Down by the ocean it was so dismal, Women all standing with shock on their faces Sad description, oh I was looking for you Desk clerk told me girl was washed up, Was small, an angel with apple blonde hair, now I went looking for you, are you gone gone? Picked up my key, didn't reply Went to my room, started to cry You were small, an angel, are you gone gone? Down by the ocean it was so dismal I was just standing with shock on my face The hearse pulled away, and the girl that had died, it was you You'll never return into my arms 'cause you were gone gone Never return into my arms 'cause you were gone gone Gone gone, gone gone, good-bye. </poem> {{CommonSongSections | Artist = Morrissey | Song = {{#replace:{{#replace:{{PAGENAME}}| (single)|}}| (song)|}}}}
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