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[[Category:Morrissey Lyrics]] [[File:First-Of-The-Gang.jpg | thumb | right | Cover art]] {{Songbox | Name = My Life Is A Succession Of People Saying Goodbye | Album = [[Swords]]<br>[[You Are The Quarry|You Are The Quarry (Deluxe Version)]]<br>[[First Of The Gang To Die (single)|First Of The Gang To Die (Single Version)]] | Length = 2:55 (Single version)<br>2:46 (Studio outtake) | Writer = [[Writer::Morrissey]] / [[Writer::Alain Whyte]] | Producer = [[Producer::Jerry Finn]] | Recorded = 2002 | Release = July 2004 | ArtistType = Morrissey }} ==Information== There is a studio outtake version of this song that was leaked on the Internet via a CD-R. "2002 Studio Outtake (Cherokee Sessions)" == Lyrics == <poem> My life is an endless succession Of people saying goodbye My life is an endless succession Of people saying goodbye And what's left for me? What's left for me? At one time the future Did stretch out before me But now it stretches behind And all of the best things In life are behind glass Money, jewelry, and flesh And what's left for me? What's left for me? </poem> {{CommonSongSections | Artist = Morrissey | Song = {{#replace:{{#replace:{{PAGENAME}}| (single)|}}| (song)|}}}}
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