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[[Category:Morrissey Lyrics]] [[File:Irishbloodenglishheart.jpg | thumb | right | Cover art]] {{Songbox | Name = Munich Air Disaster 1958 | Album = [[Swords]]<br>[[You Are The Quarry|You Are The Quarry (Deluxe Edition)]] <br>[[Irish Blood, English Heart (single)|Irish Blood, English Heart (Single - CD2)]] | Length = 2:30 | Writer = [[Writer::Morrissey]] / [[Writer::Alain Whyte]] | Producer = [[Producer::Jerry Finn]] | Recorded = Circa Autumn 2003 | Release = | ArtistType = Morrissey }} ==Information== The Munich Air Disaster refers to a plane crashing on its third attempt at take off. It was carrying the Manchester United Football Team at the time and there were 23 fatalities. Please see the [ Wikipedia entry] regarding this event for greater detail. Morrissey lived very near the Football ground in his youth. == Lyrics == <poem> We love them We mourn for them Unlucky boys of red I wish I'd gone down Gone down with them To where mother nature makes their bed We miss them Everynight we kiss them Their faces fixed in our heads I wish I'd gone down Gone down with them To where mother nature makes their bed They can't hurt you Their style will never desert you Because they're all safely dead I wish I'd gone down Gone down with them To where mother nature makes their bed </poem> {{CommonSongSections | Artist = Morrissey | Song = {{#replace:{{#replace:{{PAGENAME}}| (single)|}}| (song)|}}}}
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