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[[File:468446167 10162230827054804 1168373018196083860 n.jpg | 200px | right | thumb |Max Conwell]] [[Category:Tour Crew]] == Relevance == Listed as "Crew [Mozz Posse]" in the credits for [[Mention::All You Need Is Me]].<br> Listed as "[Crew Without Whom]" in the credits for [[Mention::Greatest Hits]].<br> Listed as "Crew" in the credits for [[Mention::I Have Forgiven Jesus]].<br> In 2024, Max posted the New Year's Eve "[,_2024) In Memory Of]" video montage via Vimeo. From [ Cutting-Edge Designs for Enduring Names in Music] (May 16, 2018): <blockquote> Conwell has designed lighting for many famous acts in the industry, including English singer and lyricist Morrissey, with whom he worked with in 2004, 2007, 2009, and 2014. “Morrissey is very involved in the visual look of his show,” Conwell explained. “Each tour’s design usually starts with a chat face-to-face or via email, depending on where he is in the world.” Next, Conwell would send Morrissey drawings and images to comment on, creating a collaborative environment. As their partnership has grown with each successive tour, so has the lighting techniques Conwell uses in Vectorworks® Spotlight software. Video projection technology was at the forefront of the latest Morrissey tour. “With both static images and films now being an integral part of the show, the Vectorworks Video Screen tool is vital to working out the positioning of screens and projectors,” Conwell said. “And of course it’s easy to update plans to cover the range of venues we play: from theaters and arenas to outdoor shows.” </blockquote> [ Tour of Refusal lighting designer Max Conwell featured in The Light Sound Journal (August 19 2009).]
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