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[[Category:Negative Influences on Morrissey]] [[Category:Influences on Morrissey - Politics]] [[Category:Concert Backdrop]] [[Category:Tour Iconography]] [[File:Margaret Thatcher.jpg | 200px | right | thumb |Margaret Thatcher]] ==Relevance== Morrissey describes being questioned regarding [[Margaret On The Guillotine]]: <blockquote> Because of a song on Viva Hate entitled Margaret on the guillotine, I am then compelled by law to attend a cross-examination by Special Branch Task Force so that they might gauge whether or not I pose a security threat to Margaret Thatcher. For the hearer’s joy, I am drilled and recorded on tape for one hour under the penetrating glare of Special Branch. ‘Why exactly are you here?’ I ask them, and they explain that they are following up on an article in the Star newspaper that claimed that I would welcome the assassination of Margaret Thatcher. Following a very civil meeting, the men of Special Branch then request that I sign a photograph ‘for a neighbor’, and no more was heard or said on the Thatcher matter. It was undeniable that I found Thatcher’s egocentricity to be intolerable, but her leaking insanity would eventually force her own cabinet to boot her out, and if this would be the action of people who had never actually suffered at Thatcher’s whims, how on earth were the rest of us expected to feel? I was cross-examined for allegedly welcoming the assassination of Thatcher, but when her own cabinet effectively assassinated her they were not subjected to a Special Branch investigation, or even arrested for a hate crime. Of course, politicians have their own laws for themselves (none, specifically), and tend to uphold laws against the public which politicians themselves can skirt in and out of because they have friends in low places. When Thatcher’s daughter-in-law gives birth, Thatcher zooms her face into awaiting cameras. ‘We are a grandmother,’ she announces, embodying Dame Anna Neagle, and now a comic figure. Disconnected and dispassionate, Thatcher’s torrent of hate (for she has no other emotion) drains the young people of England, who see the Thatcher regime as militant and blinkered, and a dangerous tyranny clouds little Britain. </blockquote> Image by an uncredited & unknown author - Margaret Thatcher & mounted Policeman image. Known to have been used as a concert backdrop in 2018 (and possibly prior), the original image is that of police breaking up a picket line during the miner's strike 1984: <gallery> File:EHrSmiTXkAYGQrP.jpg File:5SWYOGDE2BD4TH7AYVKSMVCDUM.jpg 1492.jpg | [ source] </gallery>
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