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[[File:Kristeen Young thumb.jpg | 200px | right | thumb |Kristeen Young]] ==Relevance== From: [,,2029458,00.html Move over, Pedro (continued)] - Guardian Unlimited (March 10, 2007): <blockquote> Singer-songwriter and pianist from St Louis, Missouri. She has supported Morrissey on tour. Her records include Meet Miss Young And Her All Boy Band of 1997 and The Orphans. Aged 31 I am passionately in love with Morrissey. I grew up listening to his music, so part of what I am is formed by him. The first time I heard the Smiths I was 14 and my boyfriend played me Hatful Of Hollow. I lived in the Midwest, I had no brothers or sisters, and the radio only played the mainstream. This was something different. I played that album over and over again. How we actually met was very cinematic. The great producer [[Mention::Tony Visconti]] had heard my music, and asked to produce our new record. One day when Tony was testing out our video on a big screen, a voice behind him said, "Who's that? She's very good." It was Morrissey. When his opening band pulled out of his Ringleader Of The Tormentors tour in April 2006, he asked us to fill in. We've opened for him at every gig since. The whole thing is unreal. This man, who I think is the greatest lyricist that ever existed and who I've worshipped since I was a teenager, is now my friend. And he's a good friend. He's extremely generous and accommodating. He's given us all these gigs, even though we're an unsigned band. When we got together for the Guardian photo shoot, Morrissey asked me to sit on his shoulders. At first I thought he was joking, but he really wanted me to. I thought, "This is bizarre!" So there I am, literally heaving with desire for him and suddenly his head is between my thighs. We'd certainly never been that close before. Singing with Morrissey on the B-side of his last single, [[Mention::Sweetie-Pie | Sweetie Pie]], was the thrill of my life. It was incredible, but somehow felt natural. When I was young, listening to his records, I could never sing in his key - it was always too low. So instead, I harmonised. I grew up harmonising to his melodies. I know a lot of people do that, but for some reason it actually happened to me for real. I'm extremely lucky in that regard. </blockquote> Her singles "Kill The Father" (August, 2006) & "London Cry" (December, 2006) were released via [[Mention::Attack Records]]. ==Image Gallery== <gallery> File:Mozyoung1sv5.jpg | [ source] File:Kristeen young morrissey 2007 guardian.jpg | [ source] File:Kristeen young morrissey 2007.jpg | [ source] File:Krist2en 2.jpg | [ source] </gallery> ==Related Items== * [ Kristeen Young asked to leave the tour - confirmed] - Morrissey-solo (October 26, 2007) * [ "That's How People Grow Up" - new single; Kristeen Young background vocal, to sing on Letterman] - Morrissey-solo (June 20, 2007) [[Category:Influenced by Morrissey / The Smiths]] [[Category:Songs used in pre-show]] [[Category:Supported Morrissey]] [[Category:Tour Iconography]]
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