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[[Category:Morrissey Lyrics]] [[File:Irishbloodenglishheart.jpg | thumb | right | Cover art]] {{Discobox | Name = Irish Blood, English Heart | Total Length = 2:37 | Recorded = Autumn 2003 | Writer = [[Writer::Morrissey]] / [[Writer::Alain Whyte]] | Producer = [[Producer::Jerry Finn]] | Mastered = | Art = Photo: [[Photographer::Greg Gorman]] | Vinyl Etching = No matrix message | Publisher = [[Attack Records]]<br>[[Sanctuary Records]] | Format = 7" Vinyl, 12" Vinyl, CD | Release = 10 May 2004 (UK)<br>4 May 2004 (US) | Chart = UK #3 | Type = Single | Previous = Satan Rejected My Soul | PreviousLink = Satan Rejected My Soul (single) | Next = First Of The Gang To Die | NextLink = First Of The Gang To Die (single) }} ==Information== ==Track list== ===CD 1=== [Attack Records - ATKXS002] {{tracklist | 01 = Irish Blood, English Heart | 01link = Irish Blood, English Heart (single) | 01-duration = 2:41 (Morrissey/Whyte) | 02 = It's Hard To Walk Tall When You're Small | 02link = It's Hard To Walk Tall When You're Small | 02-duration = 3:31 (Morrissey/Whyte) }} ===CD 2=== [Attack Records - ATKXD002] {{tracklist | 01 = Irish Blood, English Heart | 01link = Irish Blood, English Heart (single) | 01-duration = 2:41 (Morrissey/Whyte) | 02 = Munich Air Disaster 1958 | 02link = Munich Air Disaster 1958 | 02-duration = 2:30 (Morrissey/Whyte) | 03 = The Never-Played Symphonies | 03link = The Never-Played Symphonies | 03-duration = 3:05 (Morrissey/Whyte) }} == Lyrics == <poem> Irish blood, English heart This I'm made of There is no one on Earth I'm afraid of And no regime Can buy or sell me I've been dreaming of a time when To be English Is not to be baneful To be standing by the flag Not feeling shameful, racist or partial Irish blood, English heart This I'm made of There is no one on Earth I'm afraid of And I will die With both of my hands untied I've been dreaming of a time when The English are sick to death of Labour and Tories And spit upon the name Oliver Cromwell And denounce this royal line that still salute him And will salute him forever </poem> ==Music Video== <vimeo></vimeo> ===Credits=== * Directed by [[Director::Bucky Fukumoto]] {{CommonSongSections | Artist = Morrissey | Song = {{#replace:{{#replace:{{PAGENAME}}| (single)|}}| (song)|}}}}
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