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[[Category:Influences on Morrissey - Film and Television]] [[Category:Featured in Morrissey / The Smiths video]] [[File:David Baxter.jpg | 200px | right | thumb |David Baxter]] ==Relevance== From [ David Baxter - pictured in "The More You Ignore Me..." video] - Morrissey-solo (June 21, 1999): From Kanako Ishikawa: <blockquote> I recently found the photo which is shown in the video for "[[Mention::The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get|The More You Ignore Me...]]" in the [[Mention::Terence Stamp]] autobiography called ''Coming Attractions''... the caption says it's David Baxter. </blockquote> Upon further investigation, David Baxter is longtime friend of Terence Stamp and a fellow actor. Said Terence in the book: "... had I not met David Baxter, I might never have left home. I might even have done my two years in the Army, married the right girl, and moved into the empty front room of my parents' home." ==Image Gallery== <gallery> File:Davidbaxter-lg.jpg | [ source] File:Ser david baxter.jpg | From [ sam_esty_rayner_photography / Instagram] </gallery>
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