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{{Songbox | Name = Bonfire Of Teenagers | Album = [[Unreleased]]<br>(intended for [[Bonfire Of Teenagers]]) | Length = unknown | Writer = [[Writer::Morrissey]] / unknown | Producer = [[Producer::Andrew Watt]] | Recorded = Early 2021 | Release = Unreleased | ArtistType = Morrissey }} [[Category:Morrissey Lyrics]] ==Lyrics== <poem> Unconfirmed currently. </poem> {{CommonSongSections | Artist = Morrissey | Song = {{#replace:{{#replace:{{PAGENAME}}| (single)|}}| (song)|}}}} ==Notes== This track is scheduled to appear on Bonfire Of Teenagers and as it has been played live in 2022 & the album is unreleased - expect this entry to change on final release of the album.
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