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[[File:Sunny.jpg | thumb | right | Cover art]] {{Songbox | Name = Black-Eyed Susan | Album = [[Sunny (single)|Sunny]]<br>[[My Early Burglary Years]] | Length = 4:07 | Writer = [[Writer::Morrissey]] / [[Writer::Alain Whyte]] | Producer = [[Producer::Steve Lillywhite]] | Recorded = Circa early '93 | Release = September 1998 | ArtistType = Morrissey }} [[Category:Morrissey Lyrics]] ==Information== * A version of this song is available on the [[In Person (CD bootleg)|In Person]] bootleg CD. * This version is known as 'alternate version' (4:11) and was sourced from the scrapped Vauxhall & I reference CD-R. == Lyrics == <poem> Black-eyed Susan You make us nervous Because we're very aware that you do not care Black-eyed Susan What don't you believe in? "No is always easier than Yes" Black-eyed Susan You must insist: "You are a born again atheist" Heavy rings on bitten fingers Black-eyed Susan sometimes shakes to break - So watch it - Black-eyed Susan Rest and do nothing Because it's the only thing that you do quite well Black-eyed Susan Rest and do nothing Because it's the only thing that you do quite well Black-eyed Susan Rest and do nothing Because it's the only thing that you do quite well Black-eyed Susan Please remember We were the first, we were the first </poem> {{CommonSongSections | Artist = Morrissey | Song = {{#replace:{{#replace:{{PAGENAME}}| (single)|}}| (song)|}}}}
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