Main Page

Welcome to the Morrissey-solo Wiki. The aim is to organize and share information in the world of Morrissey and The Smiths that is unbiased, factually accurate, and up-to-date in the same collaborative spirit as Wikipedia. The wiki is powered by MediaWiki, the same software that powers Wikipedia.
Have a bit of additional information, a correction, or an idea for a new entry? Your help is needed! All you need to start contributing is a Morrissey-solo account (if you don't have one already, register here).
If you had edited the wiki before Feb. 2020 you may need to link accounts, contact davidt to get that set up.
The Morrissey-solo Wiki is a continual work in progress, most of the data still needs to be populated. See the To Do page if you want to help.
Quick Links
Morrissey: Discography | Lyrics | Live History | Tour Iconography | Influences | Interviews | Statements | Bootleg Recordings
The Smiths: Discography | Lyrics | Live History | Bootleg Recordings
Personnel: Co-writers | Guitarists | Bassists | Drummers | Keyboardists | Producers | Directors
General: Unreleased Material | Influenced by Morrissey / The Smiths | Cover Versions | Covers Compilations | Cover Stars | Concert Backdrops | Books | Magazines | All Categories
Wiki: Recent Changes | Wiki Editing Help | Wiki Active Contributors | All Pages | To Do List / Suggestions
Current Band
Current band line-up (past line-ups):
Vocals -
Jesse Tobias
Lead guitar, rhythm guitar -
Carmen Vandenberg
Guitar -
Juan Galeano Toro
Bass guitar -
Matt Walker
Drums -
Camila Grey

The Morrissey-solo Wiki was created in May 2012 following a suggestion by !Viva Hate!. The MuseWiki was a large influence on the initial setup, templates and conventions used. Special thanks also to !Viva Hate! for helping with the initial design of the wiki, population of the initial content and main page mastheads. Thanks to MozRecording and Skylarker for helping with the initial content of the live recordings / bootlegs. Thanks to Famous when dead for helping with updating the song pages and influences.