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Lisbon, Portugal (Oct. 30, 1999)

A Week Has Passed...

Posted By: Helena Figueiredo <[email protected]>
Date: Saturday, Nov. 6 1999, at 4:47 p.m.

A week has passed since I last saw Morrissey... After trying to write some three or four review-type messages, I've decided it was impossible to do it objectively.

I'm just so very sad that the Portuguese journalists haven't seen the way Morrissey sang... so beautifully! The way the crowd sang along with him, the way the band played so well, the way we were waiting outside the venues from early morning, the things Morrissey said to us, his sadness for not being closer to us on account of the huge distance between stage and audience, the Portuguese flag flying in "Break Up The Family", all the lovely flowers, his witty comments at the Lisbon show, Morrissey's great personality and stage presence coming through in each word...

Our group was very fortunate. T-shirts (ripped in pieces and whole! By the way, it was the first time on this tour that Morrissey wore a different t-shirt. It was white, it said MEXICO on the back, and MEXICO MX on the front, with a sun-flower...), set-lists, bananas, flowers, comments, photographs, autographs of the band... It seemed like we couldn't ask for anything else... other than actually meeting our dear Moz. He accepted a letter from all of us during the Lisbon concert (Thank you so much, Morrissey!) "It´s a letter! Take it", we shouted. His reply: "A letter? Which one?", then asking the security to hand it to him and passing the beautiful hand-made envelope on his face, and placing it in his pocket.

Our friends Aurélio and Helena managed to hand Morrissey a large envelope (again through a security guy!) at the Oporto show, containing a photo of their wedding, with a cake in which was written as excerpt of a Morrissey song. At the end of the show, one of the crew members came outside and handed the photo back to my friend, saying: "You're a very lucky man!" Surprise: Morrissey had signed it!!! The joy amongst us was clear, but the couple were obviously the happiest!

In Portugal, only two persons managed to go and touch Morrissey during the shows: my boyfriend - Rui Alves - and a friend of ours - Joana. It happened in Oporto, because the security men were terribly violent in Lisbon. When they both came back, we all hugged each other and it was amazing to see everyone crying... while Frank Sinatra's "My Way" played as background music. Beautiful!

I'm probably forgeting things (like the Lisbon girl carrying a banner which read: "I want to have your baby", at which Morrissey replied: "I would love to make a baby, but..."), but things come flooding back in torrent, and I see images and I hear sounds, voices... songs. Everything was so beautiful...

"Have you ever escaped from a Lisbon life..."

After waiting for nine years (other people longer!), I got to see Steven Patrick Morrissey live. He whom I've admired since I first heard him sing, someone who has always spoken to my soul, who has always helped me in times of distress and despair, who has always been there in my happiest moments - a FRIEND who has always been in my heart... Well, now I can truly say "my heart IS full"... but it CAN take more.

I would publicly like to thank Charlie Brown (you know who you are!), Aurélio and Helena (for kindly receiving us into their home), my boyfriend (for putting up with me and bringing the posters), Julia Riley (for her wonderful work and dedication, and just for being there), the band (for being so nice to us... and Gary, I really am NOT American!... Cheers, guys!) and, last but NEVER least...

Morrissey, I've had two marvellous evenings, the most beautiful days of my life. Thank you so much for everything! I love you dearly...

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