published in "RaioX",
photo by Cameraman Metálico
published in "On",
the monthly supplement to "O Independente"
published in "Blitz",
photo by R.C.
published in "A Capital",
photo by Cameraman Metálico
published in "Correio da Manhã",
photo by Cristina Pinto e Pinto
published in "Diário de Notícias",
photo by Pedro Sousa Dias
published in "24 Horas",
photo by Steven Governo
published in "Público" (Oct. 31),
photo by Paulo Pimenta
published in "Público" (Oct. 31),
photo by Paulo Pimenta
published in "Público" (Nov. 19),
photo by Paulo Pimenta
published in "Voice" (Nov. 12),
photo by Leonel de Jesus
published in "Voice" (Nov. 12),
photo by Leonel de Jesus
published in "Voice" (Nov. 12),
photo by Leonel de Jesus
published in "Voice" (Nov. 12),
photo by Leonel de Jesus
published in "Voice" (Nov. 12),
photo by Leonel de Jesus