Summary by Brian Uber
I just got in from the show tonight at the Moore Theatre here in Seattle. Moz put on a
powerful show, though not quite as good as the Your Arsenal tour stop a few
years back. At that show there was a big mosh pit, (which facilitated my journey up to
shake the mans hand, but I digress). Tonight, however, the attendees were pretty
subdued and polite. Only when Morrissey threw his shirt out to the crowd did the place
even slightly begin to brisk with mania. The main floor was general admission and I assume
the rest of the venue was seated. The show did sell out pretty quickly so I felt lucky to
be on the main floor.
I didnt see anyone get up on stage as security was very tight, perhaps in response
to last nights Vancouver craziness or perhaps because the bouncers in Seattle are
hard bastards. Only two people, to my knowledge, got over the barricade only to be whisked
away by the loving hands of the mullet-headed security guards, with nary a touch from
Morrissey. Regardless, Morrissey seemed pleased by the crowds participation during
the more well-known songs and occasionally ventured towards the front of the stage to
tease us. At one point, he made shadow gestures on the ceiling, which we all turned around
to watch - strange. A fine show, Morrissey still possesses the magic that he has always
had and can still put on a rocking show.
Summary by Todd Stephenson
Morrissey took to the stage wearing grey pants and a burgundy shirt and started to play
with a tambourine on his face which he set down and launched in to "Maladjusted".
The Moore Theater looked as if it was sold out. As I have seen on
other reviews on your page, security was extremely tight! The stage was really low, just
above waist height but there was a lot of security because of it and no one got on stage.
It seemed as if Morrissey wanted people to come up by his hand gestures though. Early on
Morrissey asked us "Do you have anything to say?" Followed by something
inaudible. And later on, Morrissey said "I think I just recognized someone in the
audience... its really quite boring... if you knew them." And after coming back
on stage for the encore, now wearing a royal blue shirt, it sounded like Moz said
"Bless You".
At the start of "Roys Keen", Morrissey went over to some people holding
gladiolas and was almost pulled into the crowd but the ever present security in the wings
came and pulled him away. He missed the first few words of the song and someone almost got
Mozs dog tags he had around his neck. Early on, he took an audio tape from someone.
Towards the end of "The Teachers", Moz took off his shirt and put it in his
mouth before throwing it out to the audience. He looks as if he has been working out. He
also threw out the tambourine during "Teachers". During "Paint a Vulgar
Picture", Morrissey switched the lyrics from "please them, please them" to
"kiss their ass". The concert was a great one and Morrissey looked as if he was
having a great time. His voice sounded perfect! He smiled and said thank you a lot and
just looked happy. It made me feel good.
Summary by Aaron Z
I was at the Seattle show as well. I would have to say that it was not as good as
Vancouver. The set list was exactly the same, but no one got on stage, and Morrissey's
voice was failing him a little. It really started to show during "The More You Ignore
Me" when he would sing some lines in a strained gruff voice, and other lines were
almost spoken. There were even a few bad notes sung. Sorry if I seem too critical.
The Morrissey quote of the night was "Anyone have anything to say? ... Anything
interesting? ... I didn't think so!" Morrissey missed a few lines of "Roy's
Keen" when he almost got pulled into the crowd. I could see the genuine look of fear
on his face when the security guards couldn't pry him free. At the end of the show,
Morrissey took off his shirt and threw it into the audience. Security guards quickly
pulled it out of the fighting crowd. Morrissey proceeded to tap the bouncer on the head,
and motioned for his shirt back. The guard gave it to him, and Morrissey threw it back
into the crowd. Boy that guard was angry!
I forgot to mention that they were selling stuff at this show. There are two T-shirts, one
black and one white. Each go for $22. I didn't bring enough money, so I got a mug for $12.
On one side is a picture of Morrissey, and on the other, it says "two lumps
After the show, I happened to be parked near Morrissey's get-away car. In fact we were
blocked in. I managed to get Morrissey to sign my Maladjusted CD by waiting at
the corner by the traffic light. He was very happy to do it, but had a little trouble
getting the window down. (Some kid tried to grab my cover of Maladjusted out of
his hands while he was signing it. What were you thinking kid?)
Vancouver - on stage, Seattle - Autograph. I'm afraid if I go to another show, I'll become
Morrissey. Have fun in Portland! |