Nine Songs Patrick O'Dell
(There Is A Light chosen).
Whether it’s O’Dell himself shoving a bunch of flowers in his back pocket in a homage to Morrissey, the iTunes library stacked with The Smiths, New Order and David Bowie songs or the opening pages blanketed in hyperlinks – lyrics which once captioned the photos, such as “All those people, all those lives, where are they now?” from “Cemetery Gates” by The Smiths – the pictures can almost be heard as readily as they are seen.
He directed the All You Need Is Me video.
(There Is A Light chosen).

Whether it’s O’Dell himself shoving a bunch of flowers in his back pocket in a homage to Morrissey, the iTunes library stacked with The Smiths, New Order and David Bowie songs or the opening pages blanketed in hyperlinks – lyrics which once captioned the photos, such as “All those people, all those lives, where are they now?” from “Cemetery Gates” by The Smiths – the pictures can almost be heard as readily as they are seen.

Patrick O'Dell's favourite songs | Nine Songs interview
The legendary photographer Patrick O'Dell talks BEST FIT through the pivotal songs in his life

He directed the All You Need Is Me video.