Either way you're wrong
Thanks for that
I remember now, it's a good book and I really want to read it again and buy the film.
You're welcome.

Demand that your friend return it to you! With menaces if necessary!

Thanks for that
I remember now, it's a good book and I really want to read it again and buy the film.
I should've written 'friend' because I really don't like the girl.
And she keeps on putting it off and reading Ben Elton books in between :S
If I ask her God knows she'll just get annoyed with me and I can't be arsed to deal with that. Stupid catch 22's.
The band PISTOL OPERA have an AMAZING song called "I Know It's Over." It sounds NOTHING like the Smiths classic, but it DOES feature a repeated refrain of "Mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head" at the end, so it's an obvious tribute!
They also have a song called "Daddy Was a Disco Dancer" (sounds a bit like "Death of a Disco Dancer", eh?), and one of their new tunes I have a bootleg of (called "Ghost Song") starts with the line "Hello, I am the ghost of troubled Joe." They must be huge Smiths/Moz fans!
Was at Hillsborough last Tuesday night watching Wednesday and at half time First of the Gang came over the PA system. Was the best part of a freezing cold night and brought a huge smile to my face. I was singing and dancing around, my dad thought I'd gone mad! It's the first time they have ever played a Smiths or Morrissey song there. Keep it up, 'cos the football is terrible!!!
that reminds me of the Deathcab for Cutie song, "Death of an Interior Decorator." always figured that was a Smiths reference as well since they covered "This Charming Man."
He was actually not a douche like I would have thought. Kudos Ben Gibbard, kudos.
Nope, no douche 'round here. Actually a pretty nice guy. He was literally being dragged off by the tour staff, but he came back to talk to me and a few of my friends.
Cuddle posted a similar thread before:
I remember Uncleskinny also posted a link which is an article of an 85 years old granny who demanded to play Morrissey/Smiths in her carehome.