Do you not realize this is front page worthy because Morrissey does nothing himself front page worthy anymore?I think this is a spoof on reaction videos? or I hope it is.
Sadly front page.
Do you not realize this is front page worthy because Morrissey does nothing himself front page worthy anymore?
Imagine how he could control the story about himself if he did…. anything online. He has to clear up pen vs. vape, but makes no comment on the somewhat recent theory that Panic is actually about Jimmy Savile. Give people something to talk about thst isn’t your lapel pin.
Forget me. Do you or your other defenders here have any thoughts on how Morrissey has treated David T over the years? How do you justify that?I don’t know what your agenda is, but carry on.
My point was. That there’s plenty of Moz/Smiths reactionary videos. So why this one on the front page and not the hundred others?
Let’s start there.
Forget me. Do you or your other defenders here have any thoughts on how Morrissey has treated David T over the years? How do you justify that?
Is there a way to block posts on this site?
Worked like a charm. ThanksYes you can use the ignore function. You can also go into settings and block all anonymous.
How has he not heard the smiths before now?
My agenda is to discuss Morrisseys career on a morrissey message board. Highly appropriate. It’s only been the last few years where he’s gotten so completely laughable that you can point it out on a near daily basis.I’ve gone on record as to saying I don’t agree with it, and that M is wrong about David.
Again, I don’t know what any of this has to do with my initial post. I don’t know where or why you are steering the thread in this direction? You clearly have an agenda.
I cut that video off at 1:03. I hate silly crap like this.
So, that's why you're mad at him?My agenda is to discuss Morrisseys career on a morrissey message board. Highly appropriate. It’s only been the last few years where he’s gotten so completely laughable that you can point it out on a near daily basis.
Case in point: 113 days ago “Jesse” talked about “forthcoming releases”. Where is the update? Lemme guess…. It was yet an other in a long list of half-assed “announcements” where he jumps the gun talking about shit before it was locked in. Like Miley, etc.
None of these half assed announcements happened with TTY because he at least had to have his shit together before sending it to Julia to post.
You start to understand why J Marr had ebough. You can only ghost people so often before they walk away from you. Extend that flaky behavior professionally for decades, and you begin to understand why there aren’t managers/labels lining up to make plans and work hours and hours on his behalf, only for him to walk away without explanation.
He’s become boring and predictable.