Looking for: Hand In Glove (Ampex Reel to Reel / Strawberry Studio Mix) Version


New Member
WhatsApp Image 2024-07-01 at 11.06.15.jpeg

So...i've seen a post on Instagram showing the Ampex of this track (shown in image), and i don't know if it has any differences from the original mix, anyways, if someone here could drop it, i'd be very thankful :praying:
The (non-remixed) Strawberry Studio's version is the version that ended up as the single.
(What INSTR is in reality other than the obvious - who knows?).
People that cough up large amounts of money for things like this seldom make these things available.
Add to that, the amount of people with working reel-to-reel recorders who have ever digitized things for sharing- probably nil.
bootleg morrissey rare rare smiths smiths
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