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From Kathy Burke’s Wikipedia:
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You make decisions about whether or not you like people on whether or not they like Morrissey?I used to think she was alright, but then I got to know what she really thinks about Morrissey.
Maybe she is alright, and Morrissey is a wanker..?I used to think she was alright, but then I got to know what she really thinks about Morrissey.
You make decisions about whether or not you like people on whether or not they like Morrissey?
Maybe she is alright, and Morrissey is a wanker..?
She started saying similar a few years prior:
Here's a link to the podcast - the Morrissey bit is about 30 minutes in. Interesting side note, right at the end when she says she was a skinhead at age 15. I looked up Morrissey's skinhead boyfriend, photographer Jake Walters, and he is almost exactly the same age as Kathy. Did Morrissey ever say why he chose her for his video? I note that, like so many of his associates, she is of Irish parentage.From Kathy Burke’s Wikipedia:
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Her "Bitch" is showing.What a load of shite she talks.
You can like or dislike Morrissey, but nobody with any degree of intelligence thinks he's racist.
Deary me, Kathy.
Interesting. Just listening to her Desert Island Discs from 2010 where she says (about 13:00) that whilst her father came to London from Ireland, his brother went to Manchester and her love of the city came about because of going to stay with him there. She says she loves The Smiths - but on this occassion chose a Joy Division song.Unfortunately, all historic reference to her radio interview (Jarvis' Sunday Service, 2012), explaining more fully how she ended up in the video appears lost to time. I wasn't digitally recording iPlayer at that point in time. So only some vague references to said are kicking around.
There's a brief interview snippet on her site:
You were in a Morrissey video – have you met any other heroes through work?
I was in Ouija Board, Ouija Board, one of Morrissey’s flops. He’s a very very shy man. He had me chasing him through a forest. When you meet people you admire there’s always a chance it’ll be a disappointment, so I try to avoid it now, really. I won’t do Parkinson because I’m mad about him. I’d pin him to the floor and snog the face off him – I don’t care how old he is – he’s sex on legs and we don’t want to see that, not on the telly.
(Metro, 2005)
Uncut - May 2000:
"I love his [Cocker's] lyrics, I think his outlook on life is just brilliant - the best thing since Morrissey. Because I used to love The Smiths, they were the best thing that happened in the Eighties. I just thought he was hilarious, his lyrics were so simple, I just used to adore him. And I ended up in a Morrissey video, "Ouija Board, Ouija Board" - the only song that didn't get anywhere! Ha Ha! It was pretty bad, but I was so delighted to be in his video. But it was also quite disappointing as well because you get the phone call: "Morrissey wants you to be in one of his videos." I was like, "Great!" I had visions of being one of those gorgeous girls on a bike that he usually has. But no, he had me as some f***ing Fifties bus conductor! And he had me chasing him through a battlefield - me chasing him, if you please! The f***ing big poof! You should be chasing me, love!"
A cited July 1999 issue of Dazed:
Kathy Burke: l was in a Morrissey video – the highlight of my career. I didn’t tell him that l was a huge fan; I didn’t want to scare him! I’ve got all The Smiths’ singles in their original sleeves – and what beautiful sleeves they are. The man had great taste.
Few other bits, but nothing substantial.
She started saying similar a few years prior:
Bloody racist.Did i hear someone say handlebar moustache?! This is my TOP favorite preferred domain of expertise! Not just anyone can pull one off, although i will say that i look PERFECT in one myself! A 10/10!
Let me know if you come across any because they ALL have to be given an official expert rating by ME!
Interesting. Just listening to her Desert Island Discs from 2010 where she says (about 13:00) that whilst her father came to London from Ireland, his brother went to Manchester and her love of the city came about because of going to stay with him there. She says she loves The Smiths - but on this occassion chose a Joy Division song.
Maybe she is alright, and Morrissey is a wanker..?