Look at me; I'm quaking
Jack The Ripper 93 - 22
A project I've had on the backburner for a while now.
The best quality live recordings, in chronological order, of the various versions and arrangements of Jack The Ripper throughout the years. Probably more than any other song, this one has changed shape many times, sometimes with regard to the vocal inflection of certain lines, sometimes the actual lyrics, often the musical accompaniment.
If I'm missing anything, sorry. I combed through all of my boots and live albums and I think this is fairly comprehensive. Will admit I don't have ANY shows from '23 though. If there are any good boots out there, let me know. I must have lost touch for a while.
A project I've had on the backburner for a while now.
The best quality live recordings, in chronological order, of the various versions and arrangements of Jack The Ripper throughout the years. Probably more than any other song, this one has changed shape many times, sometimes with regard to the vocal inflection of certain lines, sometimes the actual lyrics, often the musical accompaniment.
If I'm missing anything, sorry. I combed through all of my boots and live albums and I think this is fairly comprehensive. Will admit I don't have ANY shows from '23 though. If there are any good boots out there, let me know. I must have lost touch for a while.