Morrissey Central "I’VE CHANGED MY PLEA TO GUILTY" (October 7, 2024)

Missed this one. It's so good
Why thank you Dorothy - You can find all my videos on my channel, there are quite a few to view if you have some spare time. I have no heart, and so I must be very careful.
Why thank you Dorothy - You can find all my videos on my channel, there are quite a few to view if you have some spare time. I have no heart, and so I must be very careful.
I started following your YT account when I first got into Morrissey/The Smiths last year; before I even came to Solo.
Not bragging or anything, just stating.
I just love your videos! Moz does too.
Moz in the video at the 3.05 minute mark! Wait whaat? Viva Moz and his new Time Tunnel!
I can't see that? Where in the screen? Or are you noticing a mere similarity? Morrissey and the band do appear 10 seconds in.

I have no heart, and so I must be very careful.

Did you mean to say something else? Or are you a ghost, and you haven't even died? :confused:

Thanks for your sensitive and skilled animating of these beloved songs :flowers:
I can't see that? Where in the screen? Or are you noticing a mere similarity? Morrissey and the band do appear 10 seconds in.

Did you mean to say something else? Or are you a ghost, and you haven't even died? :confused:

Thanks for your sensitive and skilled animating of these beloved songs :flowers:
If you look closely at 3:03 you may spot a familiar balcony fool. The heart reference was a quote from the Wizard of Oz which I thought Dorothy might enjoy. Thank you goinghome I would give you my heart....
Screenshot 2024-10-07 220021.jpg
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It is interesting to speculate what would happen to Wilde if he were alive in 2024. In many ways society is much more censorious about sex than it was in the 1890s. What happened to Kevin Spacey's career is an interesting parallel.

only if it's a sick creep who lures underage for sexual motives...prostitutes not, they sell there body [ well man times on behalf for a criminal organisation, ... but underage who get talked or manipulated into having unwanted sex.. [of-topic again]
Why thank you Dorothy - You can find all my videos on my channel, there are quite a few to view if you have some spare time. I have no heart, and so I must be very careful.
Thanks! I am a subscriber - it’s great. And remember, a heart is not judged by how much you love; but by how much (*your work) is loved by others.
It is interesting to speculate what would happen to Wilde if he were alive in 2024. In many ways society is much more censorious about sex than it was in the 1890s. What happened to Kevin Spacey's career is an interesting parallel.

For context, Oscar Wilde, then 39 at the time, had sex with an inexperienced 16 year old boy. So yes, it is absolutely right that he would be attacked.

Personally, while it may be legal in 2024, I don't think that 39 year old adults having sex with inexperienced 16 year old children is OK. But hey, you do you.
Pointless minutiae, but Donald Trump is using Wilde's defense when he denies assaulting women based on their looks. "Have you seen this woman? Trust me, she would not be my first choice." Wilde said similar against charges he had kissed a particular boy. "No, never" he said, "the poor thing was terribly ugly."
This is my favourite Moz tv appearance Gordy

I remember watching that live in a friend's house as we got ready to go out. His mother kept talking to me so I missed half of it. Was disgusted I wasn't in my own house recording it on VHS.

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