This past weekend's convention in L.A. / KROQ DJ Richard Blade retires
Posted on Mon, May 1 2000 at 8:58 a.m. PDT
by David T. <[email protected]>
Did anyone attend this year's Morrissey / Smiths convention that took place this last Saturday and Sunday? Did anything interesting happen? I heard that the host of the event and one of the few Morrissey supporters on the radio, KROQ DJ Richard Blade, retired on Friday and is moving to the Caribbean to start a scuba diving business (?).

Richard Blade interviewed Morrissey for KROQ in 1990 and also 1997. Although supportive in the late 80's / early 90's, I haven't actually heard any of Morrissey's  music on KROQ in 6 years, except for the odd flashback.

* item archived - comments / notes can no longer be added.

Comments / Notes

I spoke to Richard Bladed when he used to DJ "Peppers" years ago....

He called Morrissey an a**hole for cancelling the Vauxhall shows....

RICHARD BLADE is the a**hole and the biggest hypocrite on radio.

26 year old moz
- Mon, May 01, 2000 at 09:18:41 (PDT) | #1

This years convention was crap. I thought that perhaps things would be a bit better...seeing as Morrissey just toured, there should be a lot of new stuff out, this is only the FOURTH year this event has taken place.....wrong, wrong, wrong.
It was boring, the cover band went on longer than an hour and a half each night, there was about 3 vendors there, and the whole thing seemed more like a tribute to richard blade. The man whos accent seems to be getting thicker with more time spent in America. The guy has said some un-nice things about Morrissey, and he wants all eyes on him at this convention that was supposed to be for 'the man.' For crying out loud, the guy is going on an extended vacation not prison.

They should have stopped with those conventions while they were ahead......after the 2nd one.


Truly disappointed....

Have a go
San Diego, Ca. - Mon, May 01, 2000 at 10:48:56 (PDT) | #2

The convention was great! I was so happy that there was not a recurrence of the stage-diving that plagued the convention last year. Of course, the Sweet and Tender Hooligans were great, as always. The highlight for me: The Operation drum solo (live! Sorry, Spike!) and Dave smashing his guitar!!!!!!!!

"take your banana back!"

shelly take a bow <[email protected]>
- Mon, May 01, 2000 at 10:53:55 (PDT) | #3


OoUNLOVABLEoO <[email protected]>
San Diego - Mon, May 01, 2000 at 11:11:05 (PDT) | #4

This was the first time I went to a Smiths/Morrissey convention. I was very excited but was extremely let down when I got there. Very few vendors were there and the ones there were selling stuff you could get at the flipping Wherehouse. The Morrissey look-alike contest was all right, except just about every one of them said their favorite song was "How Soon is Now" (gee, that's original). One guy's first Smiths CD was some greatest hits one. Overall, there were very few true Smiths/Morrissey fans. It seems like the fans today are more into his image and looks and not the music. Too bad.

Ms_Diva2000 <[email protected]>
Los Angeles - Mon, May 01, 2000 at 11:47:26 (PDT) | #5

This was my first Smiths/Morrissey convention and I thought it was okay I really liked the music and the old video footage everything seemed okay but there seemed to be something missing.Well anyways I got booted out by one of the bouncer's for drinkin Sunday with my grl and that kind of killed it.Did I miss a lot on Sunday???Can anyone fill me in...?? ...
I apoligize to the people
I was suppose to meet there
you know who you are.We'll
get to kick it someday..

...........HandSomeDeviL79 <[email protected]>
Orange County............... - Mon, May 01, 2000 at 12:07:39 (PDT) | #6

what happened on sunday? i got my freakin allergies and i couldnt go. saturday was cool tho. the moshing was pretty funny, i didnt expect that. overall for my first it was cool it would be better if they combined it into one day.

o.c. - Mon, May 01, 2000 at 13:39:05 (PDT) | #7

hey all...i thought the convention was cool...too much overpriced stuff though...alot i could find at tower,virgin out here....richard was...well,very nice to me...he remembered me from last years&was cool...i thought they shouldve been a little better on some vendors!!!!alot didnt know about some stuff&alot were there i think to rip off others...45 bucks for a HOW SOON IS NOW 45?thats insane..........there was 1 bozo there even selling those mercury interview cd's with the green sticker on front..for a re you ready?50 bucks....i got mine for free...alot of the boots they had their were crap&of poor quality....but,i thought as a whole it was good...i dont think some of the people there were there for the music..i think they were there for the scene...but,it was good none the less...i hope that elloit&ray change up some things next year....guys,please no overpriced vendors!!!!!!

vegas baby!!!!1 - Mon, May 01, 2000 at 14:17:22 (PDT) | #8

i love to torture myself. knowing the people would only piss me off and that it would be lame i attended. half the boys there thought they were at a spanish rock show and thought pitting to the smiths was cool. oK! what crap is that??? half the girls there actually believed jose the singer of the hooligans was the next best thing to morrissey. speaking of the hooligans. being the wonderful cover band that they are youd think they would know better and realize some songs are too sacred to perform. most of the people present im sure have no idea what songs i speak of. if anyone ended up ruining my night it was the hooligans touching sacred grounds, and all the wankers that were pitting. the only good thing about this convention was dancing to smiths/morrissey, and bagging on all the people that were trying a bit too hard. what else can i say but thats entertainment!

truly disappointed
- Mon, May 01, 2000 at 14:50:09 (PDT) | #9

Well i didn't go this year. My first year not going. It's cool though. And everyone is true when they say there only there to be seen and the style. Where's the music in all this?? Morrissey you rock!!....keep up the great lyrics. Love Ya Man.

SouthCali. - Mon, May 01, 2000 at 14:54:41 (PDT) | #10

You do all realize that the person is inquiring about richard blade's farewell party, not the morrissey convention. perhaps you should all take lesson from Morrissey and become more before you launch into your tirades. In response to the actual inquiry, the farewell party was cool...all your 80's favorites were there in one form or another. Duran Duran, Blondie, Tears for Fears and others performed, along with other surprises like a phone call from Depeche Mode front man, Dave Gahan. I think if you head to the KROQ site you can get more details

joe mama
- Mon, May 01, 2000 at 15:09:44 (PDT) | #11

actually "joe mama" if i read correctly they are asking if anyone attended the convention and if anything intersting happend. i dont recall reading anything about the farewell party. if anyone needs to learn about literacy its you.

truly disappointed
- Mon, May 01, 2000 at 15:23:21 (PDT) | #12

To the guy that one the tatt contest... id die of happiness to find out where you got your shirt. i have been looking for it for so long and i heard richard blade say it was a peta shirt, but i know its not....

vegan moz lover <[email protected]>
- Mon, May 01, 2000 at 15:37:47 (PDT) | #13

I went , it could of have been better not much stuff as the past years but I saw all my old friends and I put my arms around them! There was a sad moment when Jose from the SATH said goodbye and thanx to Richard that made me cry. but besides that it was fun I danced my ARSE off. =)

morrisseyq girl <[email protected]>
upland - Mon, May 01, 2000 at 15:38:14 (PDT) | #14

Alright...I think richard blade was ok...but simply its about time he offense but he was killing the whole accent thing...I went to the convention which was pertty bad! I dont see why the hell people MOSH TO FREAKIN MOZ!!!!!!

DONT WORRY ABOUT IT <ill give u a fake [email protected]>
California..southern that is - Mon, May 01, 2000 at 15:43:20 (PDT) | #15

I went to both the farewell party and the convention, and I had a great time at both. Richard Blade has done a lot for music, and I know I'LL miss him. On Saturday I wore a black tank top with "ladymoz" on it, and on Sunday, a white tee with "spanish martyr". (heh). Anyway, for those of you who want to check out pictures of both the convention and the farewell party, check out my site....I'm scanning them right now. :)

Sweet and Tender Hooligans kicked arse!!!

maribel <[email protected]>
riverside - Mon, May 01, 2000 at 17:47:21 (PDT) | #16

Well I wonder what song(s) "Truly Disappointed" could be referring to when he/she writes that the Sweet and Tender Hooligans tread on "sacred ground" and ruined her night. I can only suspect that he/she is referring to the band's performance of "Asleep" on the first night of the convention. Dave and Jose's performance of this song was nothing less than BRILLIANT and gave us an opportunity to hear a live rendition of a song that will probably never, ever be performed live again. Or perhaps "Truly Disappointed" was referring to the band's performance of "Work Is A Four Letter Word." If this is the case, I agree with "Truly" whole-heartedly, and will immediately forward his complaint to

stephanie brenan <[email protected]>
los angeles - Mon, May 01, 2000 at 21:37:01 (PDT) | #17

the convention was nothing but boring this year. the merchandise that was available from the vendors was over priced and most of it was average at best. and to the promoter that screwed my friends out of a booth this year. you cheated a lot of kids out of the chance to get thier hands on some really cool smiths and morrissey records and videos without having to pay an arm and a leg for the stuff. maybe the other vendors were just pissed after last year because they were out sold by real morrissey fans. you probably didn't want to burn your bridges with those other vendors. nevermind what the fans might want. whatever. piss off!

XDONX <[email protected]>
SAN DIEGO - Mon, May 01, 2000 at 22:31:47 (PDT) | #18

We went to both the farewell party and the convention....and the only reason we all went to the farewell party was to see our fav. 80's bands, along with some good surprises..(Billy Idol, Tears for Fears, David Gahan from DM calling!!!!), NOT FOR RICHARD BLADE!!! And why did Richard have to go to the convention anyways?? To rub in our faces that he is going to the carribean and we aren't?? (and yes I am a BIT JEALOUS!!HA HA! = 8 ^ ( Oh well...

Why were those neanderthals pitting to Mozza anyways.....ARRRGGHHH..pretty lame..Hope the Depeche Mode Convention is better....but all in all it was fun seeing old friends...
"Joe Mama": eye wuld sey that ewe half the literacy problemo....Whooooops!!! That would be my spelling problem...
And Truly Dis....I completely agree with you!!
Ciao a tutti brutti e belle!!!
MORRISSEY: thanks for the hug at the Ventura Concert!!

Hairdresser On Fire
Orange County - Mon, May 01, 2000 at 22:40:11 (PDT) | #19

i was actually referring to skin storm. i never want to hear them perform songs that i havent even heard morrissey perform live. well i rather not hear them at all. i dont deny they do a good job, but they are not the real thing, and no one in my eyes compares to morrissey or the smiths.

truly disappointed
- Mon, May 01, 2000 at 22:46:06 (PDT) | #20

By the way, to Maribel...I saw your tank...very cute :)

Hairdresser On Fire <[email protected]>
Orange County - Mon, May 01, 2000 at 22:58:54 (PDT) | #21

Thank you very much! I made it that same morning (I lag). If anyone wants to see the winning tattoo from the smiths/moz tattoo contest on sunday, go to my page! (just click on my name)


maribel <[email protected]>
riverside - Mon, May 01, 2000 at 23:19:35 (PDT) | #22

Well the convention this year was alright. Except for the fact that it did seem that most of the attention was revolving around Richard Blade. Don't get me wrong he's cool and everything but I think they are busting to much drama over him leaving just let him leave already. I thought that was pretty cool when the moshing started during this Charming Man on Saturday.

Johnny <[email protected]>
East L.A. - Tue, May 02, 2000 at 09:35:59 (GMT) | #23

Hey was anybody listening to Kroq Sunday night/Monday morning (after the convention) between 11:30pm-1:00am or around there when Rodney was talking to Richard Blade? Well they were talking about Morrissey and the Smiths and how important their music has been to Kroq fans and blah blah was a bunch of bull**** Have you noticed how supportive Kroq is whenever Morrissey is playing or during the conventions and stuff like that. Well if they are so supportive then why is it that they never play any Smiths or Morrissey on the radio...oh wait I forgot maybe once in a while they will play "How soon is now" or maybe 1 or 2 other songs WOW!!

Johnny <[email protected]>
East L.A. - Tue, May 02, 2000 at 09:50:27 (GMT) | #24

The Sweet & Tender Hooligans are a great Smiths/Morrissey tribute band probably the best. I love seeing them perform and eveything but theres something that really bothered me at the convention which usually doesn't happen at other shows that they play. It seemed as if people thought Jose Maldonado was actually Morrissey. I'm not taking anything away from Jose he has a great voice and they are a very talented cover band. But there was people that were acting like if it was Morrissey. There was even a girl who went on stage and stood next to Jose crying (on Saturday) cmon how pathetic is that I could understand if it was really Morrissey but it wasn't. Everyone seems to give Jose a bit too much credit. Look people Jose isn't MORRISSEY he didn't actually write any of the songs or create any of the music for the Smiths or Morrissey he's just a great singer in a talented cover band. Its one thing to admire and enjoy the talent of the Sweet & Tender Hooligans but when people start hugging the singer and kissing him and crying like its Morrissey then thats simply disrespect to Morrissey. Who knows maybe some people there actually thought it was Morrissey that was singing. I guess this doesn't happen at their other shows because they usually play at 18& over or 21& over clubs and since the convention is all ages maybe the younger less mature crowd was the cause of this tragic behavior (no offense directed to anyone under 18) it seems to make sense. Whenever I see them (SATH) at other clubs I don't usually see people kissing him (Jose-the singer) or jumping on stage just to hug him or crying like if its morrissey so I'm sorry but what I said seems to make sense.

Johnny <[email protected]>
East L.A. - Tue, May 02, 2000 at 10:39:58 (GMT) | #25

I missed the convention this year, because frankly, it has become repetitious. It is boring with same attractions and I’m becoming convinced it is purely money making. Missing it was a good step for me because I’m a recovering Moz-alcoholic.

Richard Blade is one of the greatest DJs in the world. I recall the first time meeting him at a club called Fashion in Redondo Beach. I must have been 14 or 15 in 1991 and I was just getting into Morrissey. I'm sure most LA fans can remember hearing Moz songs on either his show or at club gig he was doing. Morrissey and Blade have been linked in LA Culture. With Blade gone, a little of Morrissey is gone. Songs will not be played as frequently and the tie to Kroq is lost. It is a sad day if you’re a Moz fan. Long live Richard!

UCLA - Tue, May 02, 2000 at 11:33:54 (PDT) | #26

I thought the convention to be utter crap. Both days were filled with dico rebels to the brim. I think there was a total of 3 vendors, and where is all the new stuff? I just thought that the focus should have been on Morrissey and not so much Richard Blade...? Am I wrong?

matthew <[email protected]>
Orange County - Tue, May 02, 2000 at 13:39:22 (PDT) | #27

I guess I have a question.

Are there really any radio stations (barring the internet streaming) that do play much of Morrissey or The Smiths?

I have at least heard K-ROQ air Alma Matters and The more you ignore me the closer I get. Granted these are far from the greatest of his songs but they are recent. And I really like those LIVE versions of Sing Your Life and There is a place in Hell for me and my friends that they recorded at good ol' KROQ.

Point is taken though. I agree that K-ROQ DJs are more quick to endorse Morrissey than they are to actually play any of his music.

And to put it in perspective, they used to play Foo Fighters -- "Everlong" like 20 times a day, at least! It must be all about that industry insider projected target market B.S.

Mr. Steele <[email protected]>
- Tue, May 02, 2000 at 14:53:43 (PDT) | #28

Geez people, give Richard some respect for cryin' out loud. He's a Smiths fan too, and the fact that he does the conventions every year despite the jerks that go is cool.

KROQ is dead.

Maribel <[email protected]>
Riverside - Tue, May 02, 2000 at 14:56:21 (PDT) | #29

Well what can I say other than the convention just absolutely sucked the vendors or should I say the lack of vebdors was horrible SATH was good I was very pleased in their performance and look foward to seeing them play with the Salford Lads, other than that it was just a waste of money not worth the $30, there were far too many of those fake rebels whon only know a couple of Moz or Smiths song, and could not sing along to a B side tune if their lives depended on it, well the girls at least looked goodm though there were some girls, that it seemed like they really belonged at Florentine Gardens than at the convention, but hey at least it was a change to see some hootchies at a Moz convention. Richard Blade is the best and he will truly be missed, sadly we won't hear Moz on Kroq like we use to on the flash back lunch. That's it I guess and did I mention that the convention SUCKED, that's why I really hesitated in going

Los Angeles (Bell) - Tue, May 02, 2000 at 18:27:39 (PDT) | #30


All I have to say is that The Sweet & Tender Hooligans kicked arse!!! I know they aren't the real thing, but you have to admit that they do put on one hell of a show. Dope ass "Operation" done live. I was there first in line both days, so I had alot of time to kill. I heard SATH do their sound checks both days. I heard them do The Queen is Dean, That's Entertainment, That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore, and Work Is A Four Letter Word. I didn't go crazy in buying stuff this year because everything was too damn expensive. In the lobby The Certain People I Know single with the Jack the Ripper studio version was $35, and on the second floor it was $80 "COME ON, THATS JUST BULLSHET". All in all it was a good time for alot of us who went. One of the funniest things was when Jose Maldonado said to the moshers " You just moshed to Girlfriend In A Coma", everyone started laughing at those stupid idiots. Oh and I also caught one of Danny's drumsticks after he did the Operation intro. Oh and the girl who cried up on stage on Saturday, well her name is Sarah and she is a very good friend of mine since Coachella, and she told me that it wasn't because of Jose that made her cry, it was the song. That song changed her whole life, and she completley changed from a hardcore chola to a little rockabilly chic. That song means alot to her, so don't call her pathetic for crying" It was the song, not Jose". "GOODNIGHT AND THANKYOU"

MOZ HEAD 2000 <[email protected]>
WEST MOZ ANGELES - Tue, May 02, 2000 at 18:32:17 (PDT) | #31

F*** the Convention-elliot-the high prices for records for no reason!!!!!
The whole thing was awaste of time. Please boycott this crap! They are here to make money,Not support our true love for MOZ!

Ray Cappo
California - Tue, May 02, 2000 at 19:42:58 (PDT) | #32

I would have to agree with Maribel, KROQ is truly dead. The crap that they play now sucks as bad as Blink 182. The convention was sooo awesome. Sweet and Tender Hooligans are so great. Those who said that it sucked just don't know how to have a good time. VIVA MOZ!!!!!!!!

Esteban <[email protected]>
Moz Angeles(home of the brash, outrageous, and free) - Tue, May 02, 2000 at 22:58:57 (PDT) | #33

I so heartily agree with "truly disappointed." NO ONE can compare with Morrissey or The Smiths. It is not our intention to disrespect Morrissey when we perform his songs. There is only one reason we do what we do --FUN--. People who come to the show are coming for the fun. What's so wrong with that?

In addressing the issue of "sacred songs" we always ask everyone coming to the convention what song they would like to hear. Naturally, everybody has a personal favorite and we are happy to oblige as many as we can. We enjoy those songs too and have personal favorites of our own.

There are different degrees of Morrissey fans in all sizes, shapes, colors, and sexes. No two are alike and not everybody is a HUUUUGE fan. Of course, you're not going to get along with everyone just because they like the same singer as you. That's just life.
Thank you to all those of you who enjoyed the show and gave us ideas for what songs to play. Thank you for the FUN. Jose Maldonado is NOT Morrissey, I'm only a fan.

Jose Maldonado <[email protected]>
Pasadena, California - Tue, May 02, 2000 at 23:12:19 (PDT) | #34

I thought the convention was terrible. Usually there is good stuff, but they didn't have anything. The cd's were ridiculously over priced..I mean $60 for "my love life" UK single?!??! C'mon guys. The only highlight was that Sweet and tender Hooligans played really well.
The vendors were jerks! The idiots that started moshing were the biggest blight on the convention. This is the 4th and last time I'll ever go to that LA convention. I love Morrissey and would like to keep it that way, and this whole experience just debases the whole idea of throwing a celebration. This was nothing more than a celebration of making money off of rabid fans...all filler and no substance behind it.

hand in love
California - Wed, May 03, 2000 at 07:59:44 (PDT) | #35

My experience with the convention started on the 405 freeway. I had a MORRISSEY sticker on my car, when a guy beckoned me to roll down my window during heavy traffic.. He was the guitarist of the SWEET AND TENDER HOOLIGANS, and asked me if I was going.I had planned it since I recieved the flyer at the Hollywood Palladium show.But, really the convention wasn't as bad as some of the hypocrites I observed at Coachella chanting MEAT IS MURDER with a hamburger in the other hand!!!!!!!!!!!!

Erika I. <[email protected]>
- Wed, May 03, 2000 at 09:06:56 (PDT) | #36

Whell i attended on saturday had the best time in the world when sweet and tendered played handsomedvil .. damn that song kicks ass and chews bubble gum at the same time .. geesh .. i wasnt able to go sunday but i heard it was cracking. One thing i didnt like about the convention is that too many people their just taking to much of Moz's style .. people like that are gona kill.. MORRISSEY's name.

Anibal <[email protected]>
Long Beach - Wed, May 03, 2000 at 09:12:14 (PDT) | #37

Hi Jose and the Sweet and Tender Hooligans,
Just wanted to say I'm looking forward to meeting you guys and playing a show together, it's going to be great! I'm sure everyone will have an incredible time. Like you said, it's all about having fun.
And to everyone coming to the show, this will not be a battle of the cover bands! :) The SATH/Lads double bill is about you the fans getting more for your money. I'll see everybody there!
Drummer for the Salford Lads

Mike Engel <[email protected]>
New York City - Wed, May 03, 2000 at 10:00:25 (PDT) | #38

Just want say hello to Mike from the Salford Lads. Hey I haven't seen you guys perform before but I'm looking forward to seeing you guys play with the SATH. And Jose I completely understand about what you mean about having fun but I think some fans just got a little carried away with their reaction towards you guys at the convention. It was just a bit of a shock seeing that kind of behavior like if you were Morrissey because at your other shows people don't usually get that carried away. But besides that hats off to the SATH you guys perfom extremely well and I am looking forward to seeing you guys play with the Salford Lads.

Johnny <[email protected]>
East L.A. - Wed, May 03, 2000 at 12:41:57 (PDT) | #39

Well there actually is one other station that actually plays Morrissey and Smiths songs and its I think 95.9 The Mix .I'm not sure of it is actually 95.9 though but I know its The Mix.
I would also like to say even though I was only there Saturday I had a really good time.I know it was a little expensive but listening to Moz songs,and I do have to give credit to the SATH because there cool people and play pretty good.But i guess we all have are opinions..dont we.

Adrian...HandSomeDevil79 <Alarmed>
OrAnGe cOuNtY..........S-A - Wed, May 03, 2000 at 13:20:24 (PDT) | #40

There are a few things people should know about organizing the Convention:

1) The cost to rent the Palace, pay the band, host, prizes, advertizing + promotion, etc. makes very little room for profit for the promoters. They do it for practically nothing considering the months of preparation...

2) The number of vendors this year was limited by the Fire Marshall. There was no negotiating with them.

3) The price of the merchandise by said vendors DID suck. The simple solution is not to buy it.

4) The critics called the '97 Pasadena Con a "Swap Meet with too many vendors" ...

I think it was a great time.

Interesting Mud
Moz Angeles - Wed, May 03, 2000 at 19:04:28 (PDT) | #41

I can't agree with those who had a good time, How can this be? I was bored 5 minutes after I walked in. How could I not be, there were 4 vendors, and an empty spot on Sunday (I wonder who could of had that spot) The band played too long... What's Elliot's problem? I'd rather hang out with the Trekies... Boycott the convention.

xxHeartOfGlassxx <[email protected]>
- Thu, May 04, 2000 at 00:30:17 (PDT) | #42

My Morrissey convention experiance was great but still i know it could have been better, I heard that the years before were much better, but still I knew I had to go and check it out and I think that the best part was seeing that special girl sing and sway to the Sweet & Tender Hooligans!!!

"but me and my 'true love' will never meet again"

Hated For Loving
any geographical location with a hillside desolate - Thu, May 04, 2000 at 07:14:56 (PDT) | #43

the convention sucked. There was nothing to buy but overpriced singles. Most of which you can probably buy at Tower records for a much lower price. Elliot, give up, you did a terrible job on picking the vendors. I am very mad that I went all the way to LA. spent $30 + and came out with nothing. And why the mosh pit during the set. Get out of here you damn rebels.

whocares <[email protected]>
- Thu, May 04, 2000 at 12:33:12 (PDT) | #44

The conventions sucked. The needed more new stuff and more vendors!! Richard Blade took advantage of the time, which ok, i guess.


MozGoz <[email protected]>
Moz Angeles - Thu, May 04, 2000 at 17:54:57 (PDT) | #45

I was wondering if anyone is gonna go to Club Panic. Ill be there!!!

MozGoz <[email protected]>
Moz Angeles - Thu, May 04, 2000 at 18:02:57 (PDT) | #46


mozgerl <[email protected]>
mozangeles - Thu, May 04, 2000 at 19:43:30 (PDT) | #47

What is the deal with these people bragging about being "kicked out"? Yeh, that is something that I would be extremely proud of...

Pay money, go to a placfe, act like a complte fool, and get kicked out... Is this the mentality of Morrissey "fans" in 2000?

- Fri, May 05, 2000 at 15:56:37 (PDT) | #48

This years convention wasn't that great, I was very dissapointed about it. I met Richard Blade which was cool, he's a very nice guy, thats possibly the best thing that happend while I was there. Jose Maldanado is not Morrissey, but I give the guy credit, he did put on a show. To the people mawshing, give me a break, I don't think people in the 80's were mawshing to The Smiths or to Morrissey in the 90's. I think Jose clearly stated it "C'mon guys your mawshing to Girlfriend in a Coma". I don't think Morrissey wrote those songs so people can mawsh to them. The man wrote those songs from his heart @ his emotions and should be paid a little more respect with. Well thats all I have to say.

"This is tha last post I will ever put, no I've changed my mind again, goodnight and thank you."

bobmoz <[email protected]>
- Sat, May 06, 2000 at 03:11:14 (PDT) | #49

All I can say is that Danny, the drummer from the Sweet and Tender Hooligans, is a sexy beast. I would love to get his head on my conjugal bed, if you know what I mean. His hands move so fast-- and with such precision-- that when I watch him, I can't help but get excited. Does anyone know if he has a girlfriend, and if not, how I might be able to reach him?

maria hernandez <[email protected]>
los angeles - Sat, May 06, 2000 at 10:26:36 (PDT) | #50

Yes Danny has a gal pal...

The web site I put here has some pix from the Blade Farewell and Smiths Con (Day 1) that I took...


I Want the Mud I Can't Have
Moz Angeles - Sat, May 06, 2000 at 13:03:57 (PDT) | #51

Great Show! I thought the Hooligans were great. Question: During the show there was a beautiful girl with black hair sitting on the stage steps. She had the most incredible eyes. I tried to speak to her, but I couldn't seem to get more than her name-Jeanette.
Does anyone know who she is? I've got to know more! MOZ seems to pull in the sweetest listeners. If anyone has info -please post. Thanks. Oh-and Goodbye to Richard. I'll miss the real KROQ.

Under a Spell

- Mon, May 08, 2000 at 11:03:22 (PDT) | #52

This was my first convention and I was a little disappointed. I did get to buy some stickers and cd's, but I had to leave really early. I missed seeing SATH perform, and from what I hear they were great! Next year I'm going to go, but I'll make sure I don't make in into work the next day. See ya all next year!!

Michelle <[email protected]>
San Diego Ca - Wed, May 10, 2000 at 12:29:38 (PDT) | #53

I wEnT tO tHe CoNvEnTiOn AnD i HaD sO mUcH fUn!! It WaS mOsTlY dUe To ThE fAcT tHaT i GoT sEcOnD pLaCe On ThE nAmE tHaT tUne CoNtEsT. i HaD aLoT oF fUn Up On StAgE. i MeSsEd Up On ToNy ThE pOnY. iT iS oNe Of My MoSt FaVoRiTe SoNgS aNd I mIsSeD iT. i BeAt MySeLf Up AlL nIgHt. ThE bAnD wAs GrEaT tOo!! I cAnT wAiT uNtIl NeXt yEaR's. It Is So GoOd To SeE mOz FaNz CoMe ToGeThEr. GoOdNigHt AnD tHAnK yOu!!!!!

I aM a WaS <JoEl@[email protected]>
moz angeles - Fri, May 12, 2000 at 20:13:53 (PDT) | #54


karla uribe
Ontario, C.A.L - Wed, May 24, 2000 at 12:11:55 (PDT) | #55

* return to Morrissey-solo